The surprise

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Three females stood frozen wide eyed while before them lied a soaking wet shivering yellow and black pup it trembled fiercely. Without thinking Optimus grabbed the pup and began licking it.

Prowl and Ratchet were silent for a while but quickly snapped back into reality. Ratchet spoke still shocked"what in the name of Fenrir is a pup doing here ?!".Optimus said nothing and continued licking the pup,Prowl however answered "A rouge Irresponsible mother, thats one possibility ".Ratchet hesitated by finally said "well we can't leave it here so we must take it back to the pack",Prowl then spoke in a low tone "Optimus it's a newborn and I already have to deal with two pups ",Prowl hesitated on her next words but spoke them lowly and slowly "a-and you just lost your pups,maybe you could nurse it ".Optimus closed her eyes remembering her lost children then slowly spoke"yes I  will".

The wolves forgot about hunting and headed for their pack in silence, Optimus carrying the pup gently in her jaws.

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