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Optimus was curled around her pup and watched his little sides go up with every breath he took.Optimus smiled and gave her pup a lick,before she heard her ex friend come in.

Setinal scowled as he saw the pup curled up next to Optimus. Optimus growled at Setinal's reaction, and this caught the attention of Jazz and Prowl who were nursing their pups.

"What I Can't help it if this pup is a disgrace to our pack of full breeds ".Optimus growled even angrier and she was about to attack Setinal, when Jazz barked to get their attention.

"Yo,Setinal that's a bit harsh whatever hate you have towards Optimus and Megatron isn't the pups fault ".

Setinal growled and barked "you have no right to talk none of you do you're all TRAITORS! !".Prowl, Jazz and Optimus were shocked.

"We are not traitors "Prowl stated calmy.Setinal smirked "OH,SO I SUPPOSE YOUR MATES DIDN'T USED TO BE PART OF AN EVIL MURDEROUS PACK"Setinal stated sarcastically.

"THAT'S THE PAST! !"yelled Optimus angrily, by this time all the puppies had woken up and were crying.

The crying caught the attention of three certin males outside the nursery and they ran into the nursery full of concern.

The 3 males ran in and saw a certain blue wolf standing in the middle of their mates and crying pups.

Megatron growled "SETINAL"he hissed. Setinal turned around and immediately stopped smiling. "WHAT  DID  YOU DO TO OUR PUPS "Lockdown growled.

Setinal clearly frightened backed away "N-nothing,it's probably the half breeds scent making them sick"He said Megatron growled louder his fur standing ready to attack.

Setinal backed away even more (big mistake) and stepped on Bumblebee causing the pup to cry out very loud in pain.

Megatron's eyes widened at the sound of his pups pained cry,he launched himself directly at Setinal ,grabbed him by the neck and threw him out of the nursery. Lockdown and Shockwave tackled Setinal ,clawed and bit him ,then let Megatron take over.

The pack was horrified to see the second in command being beaten up.

Megatron noticed and took the opportunity to make something clear. He raised his head and howled,Lockdown and Shockwave looked at him as did every wolf in the pack.

"Let me make something clear to all you wolves"Megatron angrily said"anyone who hurts our mates or pups will be punished by not only one but all three of us".Lockdown and Shockwave nodded "mess with one mess with all"Lockdown said smiling. "This is no threat "Shockwave said calmly "no excuse on who you are"they said in unison.

They then walked to the nursery to check on their mates and pups."Are you all alright? "Asked Shockwave clearly concerned.

Jazz nodded "thanks"she said calmly.Lockdown checked on his mate and pups and wagged his tail,happy that they were ok. Megatron walked over to his mate "is Bumblebee ok?","yes he'll be fine, it's just the sudden pain that made him cry",Megatron nodded.

The three males slept in the nursery that night to ensure the safety of their pups and mates.

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