Wasp's little bee

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Of course the pack happily took Wasp in since he was full breed.Optimus even adopted him and he slept in the nursery with Optimus, Bee,and the other wolves.

Wasp felt a bit awkward around the other pups,but Bee helped him get over it making Wasp laugh ,smile, and even called him a big brother.

Wasp loved his baby brother even if he knew Bee was a half breed,but he didn't care he loved Bee.

He also hated how Bee was treated by most of the pack,even if Bee didn't notice. Wasp swore to keep his brother safe no matter what.

One day Bumblebee ,by himself, left the nursery since Optimus was out hunting and Megatron was sleeping. Megatron was supposed to take care of the pups but since they were asleep he thought he take a nap too.

So Bumblebee was outside for the first time, and he was greeted by angry disgusted snarls and growls.Setinal saw the pup and came up to it face wrinkled and teeth bared.

"Where is your mother? !"he growled angrily, "she's hunting, so I thought it would be a good idea to-"he was cut off by Setinal. "Well it isn't a good idea to wander the camp and spread your filthy germs"he growled. Bumblebee looked confused, "but I'm not sick"he said innocently.

Setinal growled raised his paw and smacked the innocent Bee across the face.Bumblebee yelped loudly and that brought Wasp's attention to outside ,Megatron immediately woke up but by that time Wasp was outside Face to face with Setinal.

Wasp growled standing protectively in front off Bee. "Go away pup this doesn't concern you"Setinal growled, Wasp trembled with anger before screaming "LIKE SLAG IT DOES!!!!"Wasp jumped at Setinal and got one of his ear in his tiny jaws and tore it off.

Setinal howled in pain before turning to the pup and hissing "you're gonna regret that pup".Wasp growled defiantly and growled"who's gonna make me".

Setinal was about to speak when a low threatening growl was heard coming from the nursery. Setinal shrank the minute the giant figure spoke"yes Setinal who's gonna regret what''Megatron said his voice threatening.

Lockdown and Shockwave poked their heads out of the nursery, they were taking care of their own pups while their mates were out.

Setinal lowered his head and growled "noone" .Megatron smiled and said "good now go to a medical wolf before I make your wounds worsen".

Setinal growled but did as he was told,although Ratchet hesitated on healing him she saw every thing he had done.However she thought she should heal him but not carefully. She smiled an evil smile.

Megatron took his pups back to the nursery and checked them to make sure they were ok.He noticed Bumblebee was quite so naturally he asked "what's the matter my puppy? ".Bumblebee looked up and said "daddy am I sick?"Megatron was taken aback by the question, and so was Shockwave and Lockdown because they quickly turned to see the pup.

"No my pup,why do you ask?"Megatron said clearly concerned. Bumblebee looked down "Setinal said I was going to spread my germs through the camp",Megatron was about to speak when Wasp spoke for him,"don't listen to that mouse brain, he doesn't know anything ".

Megatron nodded not only proud at the statement but also that injury he inflicted on Setinal, that was a warrior wound,and Megatron knew his son would make a fine warrior, they both would.

"Yeah- bee-don't- listen- to- that- glitch- head"Blurr said in his usual speedy voice.Lockdown chuckled "glitch head?"mom told us we couldn't say things you usually say"said Bulkhead softly. Lockdown laughed.

"We made our own words up"happily said Jetfire, "to keep us from getting in trouble "finished Jetstorm.Shockwave chuckled "twins" he said softly "always thinking alike".

Bumblebee just smiled,then frowned "umm Wasp you didn't use our made up words "Wasp thought about it then smiled sheepishly "oops ,well that's the past".

Megatron looked down at the pup"I'll let this one slide because you were helping your brother, however if I ever catch you saying a bad word again,there will be consequences, do i make myself clear?"He said."yes sir"the pup smiled, "will mom hear about this?''he asked a little afraid.

Megatron thought about it for a while then finally said"no my boy,she won't ",Wasp smiled "thanks dad,can us pups play now?"

Megatron nodded, Bumblebee sat there next to his dad while the pups played. "Aren't you going to join them Bumblebee "asked Lockdown, but Bumblebee shook his head "I'm tired, and my back hurts ".

Megatron looked at his pup "why didn't you say something, when did it start hurting "the pups paused their game and turned to Bumblebee. "When Setinal hit me"the pup said this and noticed every one stop looking shocked. "HE WHAT??!!"growled Megatron ,Bumblebee jumped at his growl.

"Megatron please calm down your scaring the pups "Shockwave said calmly, for all the pups except Bumblebee and Wasp were behind him.

Megatron calmed down but anger was still in him.He looked at Bee,"I'm sorry, it just angers me that ,that wolf thinks he can do whatever he wants to my sons".Wasp stayed quite however he was furious, that glitch head hurt his brother.

Megatron picked up his son and told Shockwave and Lockdown to keep an eye on Wasp ,and when Optimus came back to fill her in on the current events.

Megatron took Bumblebee to Ratchet's den,where he found the she wolf "healing"  Setinal. He grined as the blue wolf whined and yelped in pain.'He deserves that and more'thought Megatron.

Ratchet saw Megatron and immediately  stopped healing Setinal and ran towards Bee."what's the matter?"Ratchet asked quickly, "that fool over there hit him and now his back hurts ".

Ratchet looked at Bee with a worried expression. She checked Bee and shook her head"Setinal you fool"she hissed"how could you go and hit a pup with full force,you idiot!!!!!"Setinal growled "shut your mouth you hag,I am still the packs second in command and-"he was cut off by Ratchet's angry barks "you're healed now get out!!!!!!!!!".Without a second thought Setinal left mumbling.

Megatron was even more concerned "what's the damage Ratchet? "He asked.

Ratchet sighed "a cracked spine,it can't heal overnight, it'll take at least two to three weeks"Megatron growled 'SETINAL 'he thought.

"He won't be able to play or run for a while till it heals ,he needs to rest a lot,so keep an eye on him".Megatron nodded and was about to leave when he was stopped by Ratchet "here these are the last of the healing seeds i have that will help with the pain".

Megatron smirked "you could have used these on Setinal "Ratchet laughed "as if I'd use the last seeds to help that wolf".Megatron smiled "thank you Ratchet",Ratchet nodded and Megatron left the medical wolf's den.

He bumped into Optimus on his way out her eyes showed concern.Megatron explained what Ratchet had told him and she nodded sadly, her pup couldn't be a pup for a while.

They made it back to the nursery and Optimus ignored the questions and curled up around Bumblebee. So Megatron answered their questions and they  looked over at Optimus and Bee.

Wasp padded towards his adoptive mother and curled  around his brother protectively. Bumblebee whined a bit ,pain was all Bumblebee felt on his back. Wasp licked Bumblebee on his cheek and Optimus licked both of her pups gently on the head.

After Megatron had told the others what had happened he walked towards his mate and pups,silently blaming himself for not being a better father.As if she saw through Megatron Optimus whispered into Megatron's ear  "don't blame yourself hun it'll be ok".

Megatron licked her head "thank you my love"he said back.

Wasp nuzzled bee and thought 'nobody will hurt my brother anymore, he's my best friend and brother,he my little Bee,and I'll always be there for him'.

Ok change of plans I'm going to update when I get a chance.

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