The World's Best Detective

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                                                                                  Shuichi's POV

     I sigh to myself. it's only 10:30? It feels like I've been trapped in this cramped office forever. I look around at the plain white walls surrounding me. Has my office always felt this... boring?

I glance over at a picture sitting on my large wooden desk. I sigh to myself once again. I really miss them. Who do I refer to when I say them you may ask? I am referring to my old classmates. The only real friends I've ever really had...                                                                                                                 Kaito, Maki, Kaede, and everyone else...

Jeez... I could even miss Kokichi right now. The short panta loving boy with dark purple hair that  oddly curved upwards. Now that I think about him I haven't seen him since graduation. I don't believe that any one else has seen him either. I wonder what he's up to these days.

A loud chime snaps me out of my trance. That sound was coming from the clock hanging up on my office's boring white walls. It's already 11:00? I guess I got carried away with my thinking again. It's not the first time I've gotten distracted like this. I should focus more. After all most people refer to me as the world's best detective, though I don't see what makes me so special. Personally, I believe that Kirigiri holds a higher rank than me In the detective department. Though she always tells me to have more faith in myself.

All of the sudden a loud beep comes from my phone. "I shouldn't let myself get distracted from my work," I tell myself reaching for my phone anyway. I look down to see that the text is from Kirigiri herself. (What good timing, am I right bois?)

Tuesday, 11:03

Kirigiri: Hello, Saihara I am sorry to text you this late at night but It's urgent.

                                                                                                                  Shuichi: Dont worry about it. Anyway, what's the problem?

Kirigiri: There is a thief known as The Phantom Thief that roams the streets of Japan. Have you by any chance heard of him?

A Phantom Thief huh..? I believe that someones mentioned someone like that to me before...

Shuichi: Yes. I believe that I've heard of them before.

Kirigiri: Well, this thief has created quite a stir here in Japan.

Wait... Is she going to ask me to come... back to Japan to help investigate?                                     (Yup, ur smort boi guessed it)

Kirigiri: Well, I was wondering if you could fly to Japan (Expenses paid for) and help us investigate.

Shuichi: Of course I'll come help you all investigate. I can't guarantee that I'll be of any use to you all though...

Kirigiri: Shuichi, We've already been through this. You need to stop doubting yourself.

Like hell that's gonna happen.

Shuichi: Right. I'll try and work on that.

Read: 11:14

     I guess we can work the details out another time. Sometimes Kirigiri could be quite cold towards others.

     Wait... I'm going back to Japan. I'M GOING TO GET TO SEE ALL OF MY FRIENDS AGAIN!!! I would get to see the Ultimate astronaut, pianist, assassin, and so on. Maybe I'll even figure out what happened to Kokichi. It's not like him to keep quiet.

I smile to myself at the thought of getting to see all of them again. I wonder what they are up to right now..? I bet that Kaito would be staring at the stars right about now. It was quite a peaceful and starry night.

     I glance over at the clock 11:38 (Bro time flies okay?) I should be heading home by now. Before I leave my office I grab the picture of me and all of my friends. Just in case I don't come back... you know?

Time skip brought to you by our lord and savior Atua

I arrive at home finally. I should probably go ahead and pack my bags for Japan. I can't believe that I'm going back there. I haul a big black suit case out of my closet and open it.

I see a small white piece of paper sticking out of one of the suitcases pockets. That's weird... I wonder when it got here. I grab the small white slip of paper out of the suitcase and unfold it.

I can't wait for your arrival  in Japan!

Signed, your beloved Phantom Thief

Wait...what..? So many questions are going through my head right now.

How did this note even get in my suitcase?

How did he know that I was coming back to Japan?

How long has this note been here?


Wait... I feel my cheeks heat up as I re-read the note. Your... beloved?

Why would he say that..? AND WHY THE HELL AM I BLUSHING?

I wonder who the Phantom Thief even is? It couldn't be someone I know... could it? I carefully take the note and slip it into my pocket ( so I wouldn't lose it) I decide that I would save packing for another day because I feel like I'm going to collapse from tiredness if I don't go to bed soon.

May the mystery of The Phantom Thief live on another day...

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