The end

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I stumble over to the thief, barley thinking. I can hear the police sirens nearing us, but I do nothing. What would it be like if this thief left my life? I know it sounds strange, but I don't want to know.

The thief that has wreaked havoc on so many people's life's and somehow I still love him. I love him?

This is all way too sudden, and I have absolutely no time to think. There's nothing I can do now. I've failed to realize it from the start. This boy was suffering from the hanahaki disease and I never noticed. He was dying and yet he still came to see me all of those days.

My eyes widen with realization. It was me who had cursed him with this sickness. He must hate me and yet he still told me his feelings. There's no way he could expect me to reciprocate them for him, but yet I do.

I stare down at the pitiful boy laying before me. I know what I have to do, but first I must reveal his identity. I stumble over to the boy, and reach down for his mask. He can barley breath so there's no stopping me now. I sweep off the boys mask and my eyes widen with shock.

Kokichi Ouma.

Of course, he had always been my prime suspect, but now that I know it's him I have no idea how to feel. I had always figured that this boy was hiding behind a mask, but not this literally.

I admire his purple locks and twirl my finger around in them. I stop myself and take a deep breath. Not now Shuichi. He's dying and there's only one thing I can do.

I carefully pick up his body and press his lips into mine. I can see his eyes twitching, and slowly start to open them. He stares at me with pure shock in his eyes, but soon kisses back. The kiss was pure bliss, nothing like I've ever felt before. I could definitely confirm this now. I am definitely in love with this boy, Kokichi Ouma. The Phantom Thief.

I can't imagine what people will think of us, a detective and a thief. If there even is an us, after this. My mind goes back to the bomb, and I glance at it again. What's stopping me from defusing the bomb? Perhaps the feeling of the boy's lips pressed up against mine. Or perhaps the fact that I had just realized that the bomb was fake.

"Nish...shi...shi" He lets out a weak laugh. "I re-ally tr-icked you didn't I?" He speaks softly. I just let out a sigh of relief.

I should've known. I never thought of Kokichi as selfish, but I don't think what he was doing would be considered as selfish. At least not to me. If you're dying, wouldn't you want someone to come with you? I can't imagine what it would be like, dying cold and alone. I realize that this is what Kokichi was afraid of, but he still couldn't bring himself to kill me.

He was never going to tell me his feelings. He was just going to let himself die, without giving me an opportunity to save him. He shouldn't have doubted me that much. Or should he have? I never even realized my love for this boy until now. Maybe he should have been doubtful. No, he definitely should have been doubtful.

I can't imagine what it would be like, dying and never admitting your love to the person who had caused this. He must have felt absolutely hopeless. But he doesn't have to feel like that anymore, because he's safe now.

Is he safe now..?

Am I safe now? No, I realize. We're far from safe. People aren't that forgiving. They'd never forgive Kokichi for what he did, but they don't have to. No one knows Kokichi's true identity except for me. No one has to know that Kokichi is the one that did this.

Although it's dishonest, it's the best solution I have for now.

Right now I have to focus on getting Kokichi out of here. If the police find us here, they'll definitely figure out Kokichi's real identity.

I realize that I definitely screwed up when I decided to bring the police here. Now I have to correct my mistake. I frantically look around, searching for a way out of this mess.

I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to carry Kokichi, but I have to try. I slowly bring my arms around Kokichi's waist. I can't help but blush as I touch him. No, now isn't the time. I have to get us out of here first.

I slowly lift Kokichi up to myself. Now that I have him, I stealthily make my way out of the alleyway we were in. I glance around making sure that no one was watching us. Once I had determined that in fact no one was here except us, I kept sneaking around.

I almost trip a few times, quite startling myself every time, but Kokichi and I eventually make it out of the maze of buildings surrounding us.

That's when I realize that I have no idea where we are.

So here the world's best detective is, carrying the world's most known thief in his arms. They have no idea what the future holds for them, but as long as they have each other everything will be alright.

So what do you all think? Shall this be the end of the series? I do have another book that I am currently working on. It's a lot better than this one, and I've already written lots of chapters for it, but haven't published any. Would you all be interested in that book? It's also Oumasai. If you have anything to say please a comment!

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