Too Many Clues

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Kokichi's POV

"Nishishi! Shuichi your face is red as hell!" I laugh.

Shuichi sighs with relief as I take his hand and get up.

"I should really get going now Kokichi..." He says to me.

"Aww! Does Shumai have better things to do than hang out with little old me?" I ask him, crocodile tears forming in my eyes.

"Uh... yes. I mean no! Uh..."

"I should really just get going..."

"Nishishi! Goodbye my beloved!"

"Your... beloved..?"

I pause in my tracks, completely frozen.


I messed up.

I can see Shuichi giving me a suspicious glare.

I've really backed myself into a corner now...

Okay, stay calm. Just act natural...

"What is it Shumai?" I ask him nonchalantly.

"Oh, nothing." He responds to me.

I can tell that he's lying to me.

"Shuichi. I know you're lying to me." I stare at him dead in the eye.

"Wha- no! I swear it's nothing!" He stutters.

I sigh.

"Alright Shum-"

I fake cough.

"Shuichi." I finish my sentence.

Shit. That was a close one too.

"Well, I have to go! I'll see you later!" I exclaim and then hurry off.

I bet Shuichi is very confused right now...

I really screwed up.

I'll just hope that he doesn't connect the dots.

Oh, who am I kidding? He's the world's best detective, of course he'll connect the dots.

He'll soon find out that I'm The Phantom Thief.

I'm such an idiot.

I should really get home.

My stomach is killing me...

Maybe It's something that I ate.

Yeah, that's probably it...

Hmm... But what have I eaten today?

Nothing...(Except Panta, but that isn't food.)

I just shrug it off.

It's probably nothing.

As I turn a corner, I see a police car.

I better go before someone recognizes me...

Time Of The Skip (Wonky wording, I know)

Kokichi had made it home, but little did he know that the effects of the hanahaki disease were slowly beginning to set in.

I sigh to myself.

I can't stop worrying if I've given myself away or not.

Killing Me Slowly / OUMASAI /Where stories live. Discover now