First Encounter

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Shuichi's POV

A few days had passed since Shuichi had seen the note The Phantom Theif left for him. Though he had thoroughly checked the note, he couldn't find any leads on The Phantom Thief.

He couldn't have broken into my house, and if he did he wouldn't know where I kept my suitcase...Right?

Perhaps someone slipped it into my suitcase before I left Japan...

If that's the case then It would have to be someone I know personally...

Who could this mysterious Phantom Thief be...?

Ugh... I need to stop overthinking. It couldn't be someone I know personally.

Though he told himself this he didn't rule out the possibility of that being the case.

It's no use thinking about it now anyway. I should wait until I'm in Japan to worry about this Phantom Thief.

I decide to start packing for my trip to Japan.

I am going to Japan tonight after all. Shuichi scolded himself for putting off his packing to the last minute.

I walk over to my closet to pick myself out some clothes for my trip to Japan. As I open the closet something falls out of it, causing me to jump back in surprise.

What is that..?

As I get closer to it I can see that It's actually my black hat.

Shuichi gave a sigh of relief as he picked up the hat.

I was worried sick about this hat. Besides, I don't ever recall shoving it into my closet like this...

Could someone else have done this?

No... It's just my mind playing tricks on me.

As I flip the hat over to wear it a small scrunched up note falls out of it.

Could it be..?

Is it another one of those notes The Phantom Thief left for me..?

I guess I'll just have to find out.

I slowly open the scrunched up note.

I wonder what clue he'll leave me..?

Although the detective was expecting a clue from the Phantom Thief, he received something different.

The note reads...

I hid your hat from you Shumai! (Or maybe that's a lie) Anyway, if you're reading this, it means that you found your hat. Although I think you look much better without it! Nishishi!

Your Beloved, Phantom Thief

(A light shade of pink was visible on Shuichi's cheeks) ( Nishishi , it's love!)

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