Final Chance

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Shuichi's POV

I heave a deep breath.

Today's the day that I meet with Kokichi. Or at least who I believe to be Kokichi. It has to be, right? Same voice, same laugh. Same charm. Wait, what?

Anyway, I'll find out soon enough. I am aware that the thief told me not to bring anyone along, but I'm afraid that I won't be following his rules. It's close to impossible to catch this thief on my own. Besides, I'm just a detective. I find out the criminal's identity, and then the police captures them. I catch myself feeling bad about doing this, but I tell myself that it's just my job. I have to play unfair to get the job done.

I sigh, knowing that all of the games are about to come to an end. The Phantom Thief will be caught and apprehended. Everyone will soon know this thief's identity. It will most likely take the headlines on the newspapers. Something along the lines, "Phantom Thief Caught For Good!" or possibly, " Phantom Thief's True Identity Revealed!"

For some reason, I feel sad by the fact that The Phantom Thief is going to be gone. I had somewhat enjoyed his cocky personality, and charm. I believe that I'll miss him when he's gone. But again, I have to do my job.

I glance around my room, searching for anything to use against The Phantom Thief. A gun? I could possibly keep that on hand. Only if I got desperate though, I promise myself. I have never shot anyone, and I plan to keep it that way.

I sigh, as I place the black gun into my pocket. I'm wearing black jeans, so you can barley see the gun. I imagine shooing someone, and shiver at the thought.

Anything else to take with me? I look around, but nothing seems appealing enough to take with me. I guess I'll head out now.

Once I exit the building, I glance at the dark night sky. I have to admit, I do love the dark but terrible things happen in it. I suppose you could also say the same with the daytime though.

I continue my walk through the street. I eventually come across The Star Lab. The police officers are waiting right where I told them to. The trees conceal their location, so I hope that The Phantom Thief won't notice them. He will soon enough though.

I take a deep breath before looking around for The Phantom Thief. Where could he be?

Suddenly I hear a tree branch creek. I snap my attention towards the tree to see what had made the sound. Could it be..?

There he was, The Phantom Thief in all of his glory. Today he has a black and white checkered bandanna wrapped around his neck. He's wearing bright colors surprisingly. He normally wears dark colors to conceal himself in the night.

"Aww, looks like you found me! I guess I chose a noisy tree." He calls out to me. I shiver at the thought of what might happen if I hadn't of heard him.

"Stop right there." I command him, knowing that saying that will be of little use. "Shumai, you know that won't stop me!" He informs me. I let out a sigh, contemplating what to do next. He's faster than me, so even if he got off of that tree I wouldn't be able to catch him. My thoughts go back to the police. They would catch him if I lured him down.

"I know you've brought some of your friends with you." The thief says, his stare turning icy on me. Shit. Well, I can't deny that fact, can I?

I just nervously stare at him, awaiting his next move. He slowly lowers himself down the tree, then walks towards me. I take a cautious step back from him. "Aw, don't be scared Shumai!" He calls out to me. I don't say anything in response.

The thief is right in front of me now, and not much is stopping me from signaling to the police to arrest him. There's something holding me back from doing this though. I keep staring at him, awaiting what he'll do next.

What he does surprises me. I watch him pull out a shimmering diamond necklace from his back pocket. "I have something that might interest you, detective." He tells me. The Phantom Thief was correct. He did have something that interested me. That was none other than Kaede's missing necklace.

I look at him curiously. Why is he showing me this necklace? Does he want to give it back to Kaede? "I'll hand it over to you." He informs me. My eyes widen in surprise. What are his intentions here? I can't bring myself to believe that he would do something like this. There has to be something more to his offer than this.

I reach out my hand to grab the necklace from him. He yanks his hand away from me, a cheeky expression on his face. "On one condition." Of course. I knew that it wouldn't be that simple. "You have to catch me first!"

I look at him a bit confused. This seems awfully close to our last encounter. I have deducted that The Phantom Thief gets bored easily, so why would he want to play this game of tag again? While I'm deep in thought, I barely notice the thief running away from me. "You better catch up to me soon!" He calls out to me. I don't waste my breath on replying to him.

I immediately start chasing him, quickly running out of breath. I hope he doesn't keep this up for a long time. I won't be able to make it. These thoughts only slow me down, I realize.

I focus my attention back on catching up with The Phantom Thief. He suddenly turns a corner, and I'm left with no choice but to follow him. This is exactly like last time we met. Did he plan this out?

I slowly head around the corner, keeping an eye out for the thief. I hear small footsteps behind me and immediately spin around. I am met with The Phantom Thief staring at me. He's staring into my eyes, and I can't help but to blush a bit. I don't know what this feeling is, but it makes me feel all giddy inside.

The thief doesn't look away, and keeps staring into my eyes. He reaches a hand up to my face, and I stare back at him confused. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are..?" He unexpectedly asks me. "H-huh?" I stammer out, my face turning red. "Your eyes... I could get lost in them for eternity." He whispers in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Everything about you entices me." He continues. "You've trapped me inside your web, and now I can't escape." He says softly. What does he mean, and why can't he escape? "I have no choice but to parish alongside my love for you." He tells me. Why does he have to perish, Is he dying?

The more he speaks, the more confused I am. "But I won't have to face death alone." He informs me. "You'll be by my side." He tells me. I'll be by his side? Is he saying that I'm going to die? "It's quite selfish of me, but I don't want to die alone. I want at least one person to come with me." He laughs a bit.

I stumble away from him, afraid of what he might do. "It's too late Shumai, I've already got you trapped." I frantically look around, hoping for a way out. It's useless, I really am trapped here.

I edge as far away from him as I can.

I watch as the thief pulls out a small bomb from his pocket. What would this bomb do? No, that was a stupid question. Of course the bomb would explode. It's a bomb after all. "Why..?" I manage to croak out through all of my fear.

The boy laughs. "If I can't have my way, no one will get theirs. It's selfish, I know." He speaks. I just stare at him in shock. He's going to kill me, and himself. I should shout for help, but I am unable to speak. Is this the feeling of despair you get before you perish? Whatever it is, I absolutely hate the feeling of it.

He takes out a small lighter out of that same pocket. He is about to flick the light on when he bursts out into a coughing fit. I can't believe what I see next. The Phantom Thief was coughing up tons of petals and thorns. He quickly collapses to the ground, and grasps his throat. It is quite clear to me that he can't breathe.

I notice that the bomb somehow caught on fire anyway. My eyes widen, and my stomach turns inside out. I'm going to die here. He's going to die here. My only worry is about this thief for some reason, and at that moment I realize that this Phantom Thief has stolen my heart, and is unwilling to give it back.

Heyyyy I changed my writing style.
Also I wrote this at 2:30 AM but I'm gonna publish it noWww

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