Is it Really You?

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Shuichi's POV

A day had passed since that strange encounter with (who Shuichi believes to be the Phantom Thief)

That person had to be The Phantom Thief...


Ever since that night, Shuichi had been thinking non stop about that mysterious person who had grabbed his hand the night before.

I decide to finally start unpacking my things I brought with me. I walk over to my black suitcase and begin to take items out of it. After I take everything out of the bag I look at all of my items to see if I forgot anything.

And what do you know...?

I did.

I sigh to myself. It looks like I forgot my toothbrush and toothpaste. It's not that big of a deal though. It's not like I forgot my hat, right..?

Oh my god... Where's my hat?

I quickly start to freak out until I notice my hat laying on a table.

Holy crap... that scared me.

I quickly snatch up my hat but as I do a small note falls out of it.

I snatch it up and read what it says.

Hey! What did I say about that hat?

Stop wearing it!

Your beloved, Phantom Thief

How odd...

Does this guy really dislike my hat that much..?

But more importantly, how did he slip this note into my hat?


I believe that this pretty much confirms my suspicions of the man I met last night being The Phantom Thief. I mean, how else would he slip this note into my hat?

It has to be him...

Anyway, I need to head off to the store now.

As I open the door I see the back of a familiar purple haired male. I catch myself staring into his eyes as he turns around. I open my mouth to say something but he beats me to it.

"Hiiii! Saihara-Channn!"

"Oh...Um hi Kokichi!"

"Whatcha doing Saihara-Chan?"

"Oh I-uh left my toothbrush at my house so I came here to get a new one."

"May I ask why you happen to be back in Japan?" He asked as he edged closer to me.

Before I have the chance to reply he asks me another question, inches away from my face. "Is it perhaps because of that Phantom Thief?" (Kokichi asked Shuichi this even though he already knew the answer.)

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