Even Sicker

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Kokichi's POV

     A few days had passed since The Phantom Thief's meeting with the detective. Since then, Kokichi's situation had drastically worsened. He figured that he was going to die in a few days anyway though. By now, he didn't even know if he would be able to make it to his last meeting with Shuichi.

I sigh to myself.

How pathetic I must look right now...

I was always aware that my plan would never work. It was just something to give me false hope to latch onto. I always knew that Shuichi would never love me. Now it's just time to face that fact.

Kokichi's plan.

His plan to make his beloved fall in love with him. He knew that it was stupid and that it would never work, but the least he could do was try. He could try before a charming fellow came and swept his Shumai off his feet. Or perhaps a lovely lady that would fall head over heels for him.

Kokichi has always known that it was one sided love. He knew that Shuichi could never love someone with a personality like his. As odd as it seemed, Kokichi had always faked his cocky personality. Perhaps it was to make the boy feel better of some sorts? Or maybe it was to cover up his own insecurities.

But either way, it was all coming to an end. All of the times he had spent annoying the shit out of everyone else, to an end. All of the times he had embarrassed Shuichi, to an end. All of the times he had committed a crime, to an end. But I doubt that Kokichi has had time to grasp that, with his own mind.


I spit out a bunch of petals. Or what I was expecting to be petals.

I look down at what I had thought to be petals. I look at it closer through my somewhat blurry vision. I open my eyes wider in shock. I had coughed up a whole flower.

The flower was almost unrecognizable, from all of the blood sticking to it.

Yep, that's definitely a rose.

I'm almost too sick to drink panta. Almost. I try to laugh at what I said, but it just makes me cough more. 

That reminds me, it was a few days ago. I had coughed up my first rose. I could've thought that it was beautiful. If it hadn't been engulfed in my own blood.

-Flashback to yesterday-

I was quite irritated after coughing up a whole flower. This just reminded me of my ever waiting death. 

Suddenly I hear a long BRING, from my phone.

I wonder who that could be? The only person that ever texts me is that hope manic.

I decide to ignore the text until my phone beeps again.

Nagito normally gives up talking to me by now. Maybe it isn't him after all?

I decide to check my phone.

I can just leave them on read anyway...

I pick up my phone.

Shuichi Saihara

Hm... I wonder what he wants?

Shuichi: Hey Kokichi

Panta Boy: Heyyy! Shumai!!!!

Shuichi: I heard that you were invited to a party last night. I wanted to check in with you and see if you're doing all right

What is he talking about? I didn't go to a party last night. I wasn't even invited to one...

Panta Boy: My dear Shuichi must be mistaken! I was not invited to any kind of party last night

Shuichi: Oh you must have had better things to do anyway

What is he on about? I have no idea what this "party" he's talking about is.

Wait. Is he trying to ask where I was last night? What did I do last night?

Kokichi's memory had become collectively worse, as this disease he had continued.

Suddenly, it all came crashing back to him. Last night he had talked to Shuichi some more. They had both met at the Star Museum to talk. Though it did slightly disappoint him that nothing exciting happened. He scheduled another date to meet up with Shuichi, which guaranteed lots of excitement. Why would this meetup with Shuichi be the most exciting of them all, you ask? Well, because this meeting would certainly be his last with his beloved. Yes, it was hard to except, but he was certain that this would be their last meeting. He would have to end it with a bang.

Panta Boy: I was at home drinking Panta the whole time!

Shuichi: Sounds nice

To be honest, Shuichi doesn't really sound like himself. He sounds more like one of those asshole investigators. Oh well, I guess that is what he's doing to me anyway.

Though he wouldn't admit it, that concerned Kokichi. Shuichi was onto him. It's not like that would matter in a few days anyway.

Maybe I should keep a conversation going with him. It's not like I have anything better to do anyway.

Panta boy: Say Shuichi do you still wear that emo hat???

Shuichi: It's not that emo

Shuichi: Is it..?

Panta Boy: yuuuup! Super emo!!!!

Shuichi: well yes I am still wearing the hat

Panta Boy has changed Shuichi's name to Emo Boy

Emo Boy: Kokichi why'd you do that?

Panta Boy: it's funny

Panta Boy: ...and true

Shuchi has changed Shuchi's name to Shuichi

Panta Boy has changed Shuichi's name to Emo Boy

Emo boy has changed Emo Boy's name to Shuichi

Panta Boy has changed Shuichi's name to Emo Boy

Emo Boy has changed Emo Boy's name to Shuichi

Panta Boy has changed Shuichi's name to Emo Boy

Emo Boy: Kokichi stooooop

Panta Boy: nooooooooooo ;(

Emo Boy has changed Emo Boy's name to Shuichi

Panta Boy has changed Shuichi's name to Emo Boy

This went on for a while before Shuichi finally gave up.

Emo Boy: Fine. I'll keep this name JUST for today

Panta Boy: Yaayayayayyayayayayayayayyayaay11!1!-!1!1!1!1!

Emo Boy: ...

Panta Boy: So what is my beloved Shuichi doing?

I couldn't exactly tell, but I bet Shuichi was blushing so much! Or maybe that was a lie?

Emo Boy: I'm working on The Phantom Thief Case right now

Panta Boy: OooOoh exciting!

Emo Boy: yeah I guess

Panta Boy: so who are your suspects

Emo Boy: I don't really have anyone in mind right now.

Of course that was a lie! I know who Shuichi's main suspect was. That person's was none other than Kokichi Ouma.

Killing Me Slowly / OUMASAI /Where stories live. Discover now