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Kokichi's POV

I hope that he got my note...

If he didn't, then this would be a huge waste of time. 

I check my purple watch for the time.


I try to walk faster then I already am. 

After a few more minutes of walking I arrive at the Star Lab. 

I decide to lurk in the shadows until I see anyone. 


How long should I stay here? 

It's not like I can wait here forever...

Shuichi better hurry up. I'm starting to get impatient. (YES I KNOW IT'S ONLY BEEN 5 SECONDS)

I start to tap my foot impatiently before stopping myself. 

I can't make any sounds. That's a dead giveaway of where I am. 

Suddenly I hear a thumping sound. 

Is someone running here?

I silently start panicking before remembering that I was concealed by shadows.  

I try to get a better look at the mysterious figure that has appeared. 

Dark blue hair...

Around 5'7...

And the most beautiful eyes...

  Holy shit. 

It's Shuichi. 

I stumble back a bit from surprise. 

I hope that he didn't see that...

I take a deep breath.  

I need to get in character...

"Heyyyy, Detective!" 

"Did you miss me?" I tease him. 

I lean in closer to him, making him stumble back. 

"Aww, Is Shumai scared of me?" 


Ugh, now's not the time for this...

I cover my mouth with my hand in case I cough any petals up. 

A pang of sadness crashes over me as I realize that I'm going to die. 

How sad...

The Phantom Thief, gone forever. 

That pesky criminal, out of everyone's hair. 

The young boy, 

Killing Me Slowly / OUMASAI /Where stories live. Discover now