56 - {{ Hawks }}

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Keigo (Hawks) Takami x GN Reader - Love is Pain
Soulmate AU
Word Count: 1,256

(A/N: I thought about making this a bit more of a longer fic, but I personally liked how I originally wrote it. So, it's a bit shorter than usual.)

Small CW: The main plot of this oneshot includes some mild sexual implications (the reader's soulmark is on their butt and shenanigans ensue), but it doesn't go any further than that.

Thanks for the request: lololta4444!


If you were to ever look across the masses of people walking through the large city streets of Tokyo, you would undoubtedly see at least a handful of people with a plainly visible soulmate mark. The mark, generally varying in size and shape, could be composed entirely of grey hues while others were bursting with vibrant colors; the latter being an assured sign that the person in question had met their soulmate. Some people appeared to have no soul mark, luckily enclosed under where they'd wear clothes. Others weren't quite as lucky with a large mark that stretched out beyond where their clothes could cover or even a mark which was on their face.

As Hawks looked across each of the passing people below where he was perched, he still deemed his own soul mark to be the most unlucky of all, especially because of his profession. Across his left cheek had been a clearly hand-print shaped, grey mark since the day he was born. The mark was tilted in such a way that it soon became clear to the flight hero that his soulmate's first contact would be a slap to the face. Although he fretted about that occasionally, the real issue became when he entered the public eye as a rather famous hero: people would slap him.

At first, he thought it was just a one time thing. A woman had come up to him like she was asking for an autograph only to smack him hard across the face and sigh in disappointment when the mark didn't light up. But, it only continued after that. People of all kinds of descriptions would come up to the hero and test their luck at being his soulmate. Some would only gently tap his cheek while others, like the first instance, would hit him hard across the face. A handful of people had even painted their hand to give the illusion that it had worked; none of those instances were very convincing, and he'd yet to see his soulmate mark light up to some adoring fan.

Meanwhile, you found yourself in a much different set of circumstances. Luckily, you weren't in any position of fame nor did you find people frequently testing their luck at activating your soul mark. But, you'd still consider your soulmark to be unfortunate: a handprint on your butt cheek. "What kind of soulmate slaps you on the ass when you first meet?" You had always wondered. Overall, you weren't too thrilled to meet your soulmate, especially with the impression they had already left on you.

On that fateful day, you'd been going to meet a friend on your day off work. And, it just so happened that Hawks had decided to follow the same route only for the reason that it was the way Endeavor was going.

"So, I heard you have kids, right?" He decided to bring up as his next topic to annoy the man, "Todoroki Shoto, I saw him at the Sports Festival. He beat my work studies kid. You must be proud, huh?"

"Yes, but my kids don't like me very much." Endeavor responded.

"I can't begin to imagine why that is..." The flame hero cut off the others sarcasm rather quickly with a harsh glare.

"My children are none of your business, Hawks." He added.

"C'mon, don't be like that Mr. Number One!" As Keigo was speaking, he flicked his hands out to his side.

The action proved to be a mistake as he felt his hand having hit something a bit harshly. At first, he assumed it to be someone's arm or maybe even a small child who had been walking nearby. He turned to apologize to whomever he hit only to get a hard smack to the face.

"Asshole." You muttered as you left the man behind in pursuit of the location you'd be meeting your friend. You weren't quite sure what possessed you to react so harshly to the man who you assumed had just intentionally smacked your ass: most other people would have just let the situation de-escalate so as to not face the possible wrath of some odd man. But, you were sure you wouldn't be sticking around.

As for Hawks, he'd taken a second to recover from having been slapped. "Serves you right." The number one hero a few paces ahead of him now commented. It was no surprise the man decided to stop and witness the younger hero get slapped.

"It's not the worst I've gotten." Hawks tried to play it off as he returned to walking beside Endeavor.

He looked back up at the tall hero to further pester him, but the man only appeared to stare back at him with an unfamiliar expression. "Did you see a ghost or something?" Hawks attempted to poke fun at the odd look.

"Your uh- mark." Endeavor tapped the side of his own face to gesture what he meant to Hawks.

"Huh?" Keigo pulled out his phone to look at what the flame hero could have meant. He only had his camera app open for a second before he noted the bright mix of colors on his cheek.

"Hey, wait up!"


"It was kinda funny, y'know. I went up to them and was like 'hey, I know you just slapped me, but we're soulmates!' They were super apologetic though, they hadn't even realized that I was a pro-hero. I can't blame them though." You read through the most recent magazine interview your boyfriend had done.

You were ever supportive of his hero aspirations, and the things he did outside of it. But, you hardly expected him to be asked specifically about his soulmate and tell the true story of how you two met.

"Now I do it often and they hardly have that kind of interaction. Seriously Keigo?" You repeated the last line of the interview back to him.

"What? I was just telling the truth." Keigo looked up from his phone.

"Shut up!" You lightly smacked his arm.

"I'm just kidding," he leaned onto, like a sort of human blanket, "PR Manager told me to add something 'interesting' if I was going to bring you up. I hate that guy."

"Sorry though, I won't bring that up again. Usually I don't even answer." He pressed a kiss to the side of your head.

"Do you get asked often?" You asked.

"Kinda, they usually ask when and how or if it's some specific hero. Mount Lady apparently found her soulmate recently and interviewers won't stop asking me about it." Keigo rolled his eyes.

"Don't even get me started one when Rumi (Miruko) found her soulmate! It was maybe like a week before we met, and I couldn't go even a second like walking somewhere without people asking! Like, how many times does she have to say her soulmate is a woman for people to get it..." Keigo continued his ramblings about the press, while you lay quietly on the couch beside him.


Hope you enjoyed~

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