22 - {{ Imagine }}

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Imagine 01 - You Play With His Hair
Various x GN Reader 
Word Count: 2,498

(A/N: Aaaaaa I wrote this so long ago! I'm keeping the nicknames for the bois in this scenario from the original since there were a lot of comments about it. I really only used to add those to try and make the scenarios a bit funny since I liked seeing comments about it. I still love seeing y'all's comments, but it reminds me too much of fanfics I read on here in like 2016 and I hate that.)

! Something things have changed !
• All scenarios were slightly changed 
• Iida's and Kirishima's scenarios were mostly completely changed


Izuku Midoriya (Broccoli Boi) 

  "I never thought your hair would be this soft. Do you use anything specific?" You commented as you ran a hand across his curls.

"Oh, no! Just whatever my mom buys." Izuku responds.

Midoriya and you had been watching TV in his dorm room. It seemed to be some sort of hero program that he really enjoyed; he was muttering the whole time. It was captivating for a while, but, after marathoning at least 15 of the episodes, you got a bit bored. And, you happened to have a mop of green hair right before you. Soon after you asked Midoriya the question, you attempted to run a hand through his hair. To say it wasn't easy was a bit of an understatement, did he ever brush his hair? 

"Can I try and brush your hair?" You asked.

"Oh, sure." He was clearly a bit distracted by the show still. You could hear his distant muttering as you looked around the room for a hairbrush. Surprisingly enough, you found one in his bathroom.

"Do you ever use this brush?" You asked as you took a seat behind him.

"Sometimes, only for special events." He answered quickly. 

You nodded in understanding, that would explain it, "Let me know if I hurt you." 

At first, Midoriya found it difficult to focus on the show with you pulling and tugging at his knotted hair. There was a reason he didn't brush it much, but he didn't want to stop you from having fun. Eventually though, the brush began going through his hair more smoothly. 

He sighed in content at the feeling as you ran the brush over other sections of his hair in confirmation that it was untangled. The process straightened his hair just a bit, but it was still fairly wavy.

"Hm– I think it's good now." You said.

Midoriya felt a little bit of a disappointment knowing that you were done. It was relaxing after all! "Alright." He responded.

"Lay down again! I can play with it now." You urged as you returned to your previous position. Izuku was sure this was heaven. 

Katsuki Bakugou (Spikey Boi)

(A/N: Half of this is like a rant about the weird physics of Bakugou's hair… and I'm not sorry.) 

  Bakugou's hair has always been interesting to you. It was like a world wonder in and of itself. His hair was straight and fairly long, but it stuck straight off his head. It even seemed to do so naturally, unlike Kirishima's hair. You were sure of that much when he showed up to school after the internships, with his hair brushed down by Best Jeanist, and it stuck up in its usual form seconds later. Actually, after spending multiple mornings with the blonde, you were sure he did nothing to make the hair stand up that straight. He didn't even shuffle his feet on the carpet to get it to stick up with static.

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