ch. 3: Tangled Up in Blue

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At the abattoir, Marcel checked himself out in the mirror, wearing a suit for tonight's party. "Damn, I do look good in a suit."

I chuckled, looking toward the TV as the news showed two pictures of the girl and guy that had died yesterday.

"Tina McGreavy and Joshua Rosza, 18, had recently arrived--"

Thierry was standing in the doorway. "My guy at the docks is gonna come forward as an eyewitness, say he saw those two drunkenly fall into the Mississippi. They'll be dredging for weeks. No one will come looking around here."

"That's good, considering one is dead in a dumpster behind the county morgue and the other one is a vampire now," I told them. "Anything else?"

The woman tailoring his suit accidentally pricked her finger. "Ow!"

Marcel knelt in front of her. "Allow me, darling."

Marcel put her finger to his mouth, taking the blood away.

"One thing," I told them. "I sent four nightwalkers to look into a werewolf sighting in the Quarter. I haven't heard from them since."

Marcel sighed, looking up. "That makes 10 dead nightwalkers in the last week." He stood. "You think the werewolves are back in town trying to start some trouble?"

"Look, I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up--" Thierry started.

Klaus appeared. "Oh, come now, Thierry. You're not still upset about that little, toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you? I thought we were at bygones."

Thierry looked at Marcel. "I see you've give him free reign of your compound now, too."

"Yes," Klaus said. "Well, seeing as my family and I lived here, built the place, in fact--"

"All right," I told them. "Come on. You both know the drill."

Marcel looked at Klaus. "Thierry is our guy, inner circle. Noah turned him. Klaus is my old-time friend and sire. He's also a guest here. I'm Noah's sire, and he is my guy. Peace, all right? All right. What you need, my brother?"

"I'm afraid my sister Rebekah is insisting I demand Elijah's return," Klaus told him. "She's quite worked up about it."

"I'll say," Marcel told him.

"We're not gonna have three Originals walking around town, are we?" Thierry asked. He held a hand toward Klaus. "Half our guys think the sister killed the nightwalkers."

"Is that an accusation?" Klaus asked.

"Eh," Thierry said.

Klaus stepped toward him threateningly. "Against an Original?"

Marcel stepped between them. "What did I say about peace?"

I looked from Marcel to Klaus. "Come on. Walk with me."

Klaus smirked at Thierry.

Marcel had to lead him away to follow me.

Klaus looked at me. "I don't see how you're so comfortable about all of this, Noah. You hate Originals more than he does."

"I hated one Original, and if what you say is true, you killed him," I told him. "Like Marcel said, peace."

"All right," Klaus said. "Well, your inner circle man, the one you turned, lacks a sense of humor."

"He's a little overprotective, but loyal to a fault," I told him. "I saved his life back in the '40s." I walked downstairs. They followed. "Found him dying of a war wound outside a VA hospital. He'd kill for either of us and die for either of us."

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