ch. 17: Moon Over Bourbon Street

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Elijah had called for a meeting, a summit, in St. Anne's Church.

Between the pews, there was a table, and a leader of each Faction sat there, and a second person there to help.

Elijah--the Originals.

Genevieve and Monique--the witches.

Diego and me--the vampires.

Kieran and Francesca Correa--the humans.

Kieran paced around us. "St. Anne's has long been neutral ground  in our city, so it's only fitting that we gather in this chamber at the behest of Elijah Mikaelson to bring harmony to this place we call home. Thank you all for coming."

Kieran sat down.

"Yeah, thank you, and welcome," Elijah told us. He held a piece of parchment, showing it to us, but looking at me. "These are the rules of the City according to your friend Marcel Gerard, but enforced by the one who sits here today, Noah Dumaine." I shrugged slightly. Elijah ripped it in half. "Which of course no longer apply because I am in charge."

"You said if we came along that we would get to run things by ourselves," I told him. "Never mentioned anything about making yourself king."

"Well, you were each selected to represent your own communities, and I'll honor that," Elijah told us. "However, issues which arise between Factions, they will come to me. Now we are all to some extent responsible for the current chaos in the city. However, you have one very, very simple choice ahead of you here. You can all play nicely together, or you can leave."


Everyone was arguing, yelling, having a hard time distinguishing voices.

"This is our city, too," Genevieve told us.

"We should be able to go wherever the hell we want," Diego told us.

"We would consider it an act of war," Genevieve told us.

"We're getting nowhere," Kieran told us. "You vile creatures cannot agree--"

Kieran had a witch's hex, meant to kill him, but it would break him down and make him a monster first.

"Father, calm yourself, please," I told him. Everyone quieted. "Thank you."

"Now returning to the issue of boundaries, you will all heed to the following," Elijah told us.

Hayley walked in. "Are you serious? You're dividing up the city, and the werewolves don't even get a say?"

Diego stood. "What the hell is she doing here?"

"Diego..." I trailed off, gesturing for him to back off.

Diego sat down.

Elijah stood, looking at Hayley. "We are not dividing the city. We're establishing boundaries--"

"No, Elijah," Hayley told him. "There is not gonna be a peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table." Diego scoffed. "And if they don't get one, I can guarantee that you will all regret it."

Everyone spoke at once.

Then we were told to leave.


Elijah and Klaus were throwing a party at the abattoir.

There was a fire in the fountain in the courtyard.

Genevieve walked in, leading the way for the three Harvest girls, Davina, Abigail and Monique.

Diego and I were already here with some others.

The werewolves walked in.

Diego got angry. He purposely bumped into Jackson.

Oliver stood in Deigo's face.

"What's up, little man?" Diego asked.

Jackson put a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "He's not even worth it."


Oliver was checking Davina out.

Diego was frustrated by this.

"Diego," I said. Diego looked at me. "We're here to try to make peace. Not pick a fight."

"Yeah, see, his people killed my whole family," Diego told me. "My sister bled out on the floor right next to me. You should know that, because the only reason I'm standing here  is because Marcel came along and turned me before I bled out, too. So I'm telling you right now, I cannot make peace with that without trying to pick a fight. But you knew that, didn't you?" I smirked. "What are you playing?"

"Let's just say that it's not over, and we have to play along with what's going on," I told him, walking away.


A fight broke out between Oliver and Diego.

Diego threw Oliver back into a table of glasses of champagne, shattering them upon impact. Diego rushed toward him. Oliver grabbed him, turning around, pinning him against the wall.

I rushed toward them, pinning Oliver against a table.

Elijah appeared to intervene. "This ends now. I won't ask again."

"Oh, we'll end it, all right," Jackson's voice said.

We looked toward him.

Jackson had Diego pinned to the wall, a stake pointed at his chest.

"What's stopping you?" Hayley's voice asked. We looked toward her on the staircase. "Kill him."


"Go ahead, Noah," Hayley told me. "Do it. I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die."

Francesca looked at Klaus. "Shouldn't you intervene or something?"

"Why would I?" Klaus asked. "This party just got interesting."

"I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her," Hayley told us. "But then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves, the vampires executed the witches, while the humans stood back and let it all happen, so when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die."

"Are you approaching a point?" Elijah asked.

"My point, Elijah, is this," Hayley told him. "If we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with."

After considering Hayley's words, I let go of Oliver.

Jackson reluctantly let go of Diego.


The leaders of the five factions: Elijah, Genevieve, Francesca, Hayley and I, representing the Originals, the witches, the humans, the werewolves, and the vampires, had finally drafted the peace treaty. We each cut the palm of our hands, dripping our blood into an inkwell, and signed the document with our own blood.

I didn't think it would work.

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