°○°○°Chapter One°○°○°

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"Come on bitch, we don't have all day!" my best friend from my 8th year, Kuroo yells.

He wanted to bring me and his other friend, Kenma, out to lunch before their big volleyball game today. Like usual, Kenma showed no care in what was going on and only paid attention to his games. "Kenma, get off," Kuroo demands and holds his hand out for Kenma to give him the phone.

Like every other time Kuroo asks, Kenma gives up the phone. I put a hand over my right eyebrow and hide my face, these two were always a handful when we ate out. Kuroo looks over at me, apparently, I looked pretty bad because he asked me what was wrong. "You okay, Y/N?" Kuroo asks me.

I nod, "yeah."

Kuroo nods back and smiles. He places Kenma's phone in his pocket while ordering a table. We ate at our favorite lunch restaurant. It serves all kinds of foods from almost every common culture. "So where is your guy's game today?" I ask them as we walk to our table.

"Karasuno, we have two more hours before the bus leaves," Kenma says in his usual quiet and slow tone.

I scrunch my nose and laugh, "them? You guys could beat them in no time!"

"How do you know?" Kuroo asks.

Kenma tilts his head in a questioning gesture. "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Y/N used to date that Kageyama kid when she went to Karasuno in grade 7..."

Kuroo looks at me with a puzzled expression and laughs. "Well, I'll take her word for it," he smiles. When he looks away, he lets out a scoff just audible enough for me to hear.

After we had finished eating we only had about a half-hour until their game. "I got to go get ready for the game, I'll see you there, Kuroo," Kenma says and waves as he leaves.

Kuroo and I stood in complete silence after he left. "So, Y/N, are you going to watch the game?" Kuroo asks me.

I nod with a big smile. "Of course! I'll always be there, I can't miss a game!" I happily reply.

He leans on me and almost makes me fall. "So how was that Karasuno kid?" he asks.

"Jealous much?" I joke and continue once he had a face filled with disgust, "I'm just playing with you, dumbass. Kageyama... well it was interesting, but it was years ago. I was obviously a dumb kid."

"How fun was Karasuno?" he asks.

I raise a brow, "curious much?"

He scoffs. "Don't get any ideas, Y/N. I'm just trying to make a conversation," he says.

I lightly punch his arm. "Yeah. Okay, fuckboy."

"Stop," he grumbles and glares.

I roll my eyes. Dramatic much? "If you don't beat Karasuno, I won't talk to you for a week. Only gives you more of a reason to win," I tease, "right?"

Kuroo sighs. "I can never get rid of you, can I?" he laughs.

"Nope," I laugh too, "so, do any specific girls have the 'amazing' Kuroo's eyes?"

"Well, there is one girl," he rubs the back of his neck, "who is a pain in the fucking ass and her name is Y/N."

I was taking a sip of my drink at that moment and choked on my drink. "Well, I love you too," I joke through coughs.

"I gotta get going soon," Kuroo frowns.

"What's so sad about that? You're just going to kick Karasuno's ass!" I hype.

He lifts his shoulders and mumbles, "I have to lose a game to get you to leave me alone for a week."

I yell and hit his arm. "How dare you! My presence should be praised!" I jokingly yell.

He surprises me with a hug. "I have to go now, make sure you're there, or else I'll be surprising you with a beat down after the game," he says. I wave him off as he turns away.

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