°○°○°Chapter Two°○°○°

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I stood on my seat and looked around for the dumbass. There was ten more minutes before his game and I wanted to wish him luck. I see his black spikey hair. "Kuroo!" I cup my hands and yell.

Kuroo looks in my direction, smiles, winks and waves. One of the girls beside me begins to freak out. "Oh my god he winked at you! You're so lucky!" She exclaims.

I roll my eyes and keep myself from replying to her. He's just my bestfriend, nothing else. Kuroo was walking in the opposite direction from me. I frown and yell his name again. This time he turns around and gives me the "one minute" gesture. I groan and flop back in my seat.

"I wonder who else is here.." I mumble to myself and scan the court. My eyes stop on a certain person. Kuroo was walking towards them too. "Shit," I half yell, scrambling to my feet.

I quickly jump over the short divider from the seats and court and run to catch up to Kuroo. "Kuroo!" I yell.

Kuroo turns around. "Yes, Y/N? I was just about to go talk to someone," he explains with sarcasm.

Slapping his shoulder I reply, "if you think I'm dumb enough to miss what you were doing, you're extremely wrong."

The boy he was walking over to notices the commotion... and me. "Hey Y/-" he manages before I use Kuroo as a shield.

"Let's just get away from him," I mumble to Kuroo.

Kuroo chuckles. "Scared of an ex boyfriend? What did he do to you?" He asks.

"Nothing, I just simply don't want any interaction with him," I say.

He nods and walks me back to the seats. The girl who was sitting beside me was still there, more energetic because of the fact Kuroo was there. "The game should be starting soon," I tell him.

"Yeah," he turns to look at his team, "do I not get a good luck kiss or what?"

I nod my head slowly. "You're so right! I completely forgot, let me just-" I punch his arm, "get out there and win before I drag you to the court."

He smiles. Walking away, he slightly turns around and winks at me again. I groan. He is definitely a fuck boy.

The game went smooth like normal. Nekoma definitely kicked Karasuno's ass. "I told you you'd win!" I happily yell at Kuroo as I run out to the court.

He amazingly picked me up a little with a hug. I could hear murmurs from his teammates and from the other team. "You can let go now-" I mumble.

"I know, I was seeing how long it would take for you to tell me to let go," he teases, "took a while."

I scoff. "I was being nice, okay?" I say.

He smiles, "do you want to go with me and Kenma to get something to eat?"

"Duh! I'm always ready to get free food," I nod and laugh.

Kuroo nods and traces his eyes behind me. "That Kageyama kid really has his eyes on you, Y/N," he says.

I pucker my lips and make a fake pout, "oh what's wrong Kuroo? Jealous much?"

"AK! NO!" He yells and looks away.

Can he be any more obvious? "I want to go get food now," I say.

"Fine. Let's go get Kenma then, he was talking to the ref earlier," Kuroo says and walks with me to find Kenma.

I look back behind me and see Kageyama break his stare as an orange haired boy walks up to him.

Kenma, Kuroo and I all sat at a round table. "It's all thanks to Kenma here," Kuroo says after I congratulate them both over the win.

Kenma shrugs and leans closer to me, "Kuroo said if we didn't win and impress you he would get sad."

Kuroo's face turns red. "No!" He tries saying but Kenma and I were already having a nice laugh at his reaction.

"You were right, Y/N, Karasuno's team is trash," Kenma says as he takes a bite of his food.

"They seem to have gotten worse. Must've been why it was so easy for Kuroo to get his impressive win," I tease.

Kuroo scoffs. "I don't like you," he grumbles and stuffs his face with his meal.

I smile and do the same. "When is your next game?" I indirectly ask.

Kenma responds to me this time. "Two weeks from now. They wanted to give us a small break to spend time with people and to catch up on any school work," Kenma explains.

"Makes sense," I nod, "so do you guys have plans over the two weeks yet?"

Kuroo and Kenma both shrug. "Not unless you have anything planned," Kuroo says.

I smile. "That's perfect then!" I exclaim.

The boys exchange glances filled with dread.

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