°○°○°Chapter 8°○°○°

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This chapter is an early birthday gift for one of my bestfriends. (she knows who she is)

"Hello, Y/N, hello Kenma," Kuroo's mom welcomed us at the door.

"Hello miss Tetsurou," I smile and take off my shoes.

She smiles back. "Lovely to see you again, L/N," she gives me a hug and smiles at Kenma, "you too, dear."

Kuroo smiles at his mom and rushes Kenma and I upstairs.

"What's the rush?" I ask once I seat myself on his bedroom floor.

Kenma chuckles. "His mom has a new habit of talking your ear off," he explains.

I smile. "Its been months since you guys last had me over so she'd probably talk to me for a few hours," I laugh."

Kuroo sits down at his desk and Kenma sits in the middle of us. "Did you ever get that gaming computer?" Kenma asks Kuroo.

"What? Oh! Yeah, it's over there," Kuroo points over to a different side of his room.

Kenma would be sitting there for most of the night. "He's going to be there for a while," I joke.

Kenma shrugs as he hears my comment. "I'll have to download some games first," he explains.

It didn't take long for all of the games to download so Kenma was already deep into his games.

"Dinner!" Kuroo and I hear his mom yell.

"I'll get Kenma, you can go eat," Kuroo says.

I nod and shuffle out of the room. I stay close to the doorway but out of their eyes. "Kenma, dinner" Kuroo says as he taps on Kenma's shoulder.

Kenma takes off the headset he was wearing and nods. "Okay," he says, "are you still thinking of asking Y/N out?"

My eyes widen and I smile. I quickly walk away before Kuroo and Kenma walk out.

By the time the boys came down to the dinner table, Kuroo's mom had already been talking to me for a while.

"What took you two so long?" His mom asks them.

Kuroo shrugs, "Kenma had to finish his game since he couldn't pause it."

His mom nods, "food is in the kitchen."

Her and I both look at each other while trying to hold back small laughs in. I told her about what I heard Kenma ask and she didn't look too surprised.

Nobody tried making a conversation during dinner so it was a silent twenty minutes.

Back in Kuroo's room, the three of us do our own things. Kenma was playing on the computer, Kuroo was watching youtube on his tv and I played some games on my phone.

"Hey, Y/N," Kuroo says, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" I ask and look up from my phone.

Kuroo rubs the back of his neck and looks away. "Well," he mumbles, "I was wondering if you would go out with me?"

I smile and nod my head. I saw the question coming but wasn't prepared. "Yeah, of course," I smile even more.

It was pretty awkward after that. Kenma broke the awkwardness after he took the headset off. "Alright, I have to go in a few minutes," Kenma says.

"Already?" I ask and look at the time.

It was only 6:30. "Yeah my mom wanted to pick me up earlier but she let me stay a little longer," he explains.

Kuroo nods. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he smiles.

I wave goodbye as Kenma walks out of the room with Kuroo. I could hear the two mumbling but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Kuroo walks back into the room and stretches. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" He asks as he flops on the side of the bed I was leaning on.

"I was thinking we could play some basketball," I suggest and look up.

He was smiling while staring at me. "That sounds fine to me," he says and looks away when he realizes I caught him. "So do you know when your mom is picking you up?"

I shake my head, "she wanted someone to bring me home."

"Shit! I forgot about that," He groans, "can you stay the night and I'll bring you home tomorrow? My mom is busy and I don't care much for driving late."

I shrug, "yeah I'll ask."

I message my mom, explaining the situation. She was pretty okay with it just as long as we obviously don't share a bed. "Shes okay with it," I say.

Kuroo nods. "Do you want to sleep on the couch? I'm fine with whatever," he motions to his mini couch in his room.

I nod. "The couch seems fine.

"Okay I'll go get some blankets, I'll be right back," he says and quickly leaves the room.

Great, a night with just the two of us and not Kenma.


I'm sorry the chapter is kind of awkward and sounds really rushed T_T

Happy birthday prab  🥺❤

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