°○°○°Chapter 3°○°○°

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"Come on you two!" I yell as I reach the entrance.

Kuroo turns to Kenma with dread. "She wanted to go..." Kuroo mumbles and stares at the building, "to an amusement park?"

"It's my treat. Both of you need to have some fun instead of working yourselves," I explain with a smile.

"Y/N," Kenma says, "isn't this stuff expensive?"

I let out a huff and nod. "Yes, but my dad usually gets my family free passes every few months or so. I can bring friends!"

I drag the boys inside the gates. "So... what do we do?" Kuroo asks in a boring tone.

"You've never been to one of these?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Never cared enough," he says.

I give off a big smile. "You'll like it, if you don't then I guess I owe you guys another surprise," I say.

Kuroo shakes his head with an inner laugh. "You tried, I'll have fun," he places a hand on my head and stares down at me.

I stare back at him. Something about his look softened when we arrived here. "Uhh, can we go now?" Kenma mumbles.

I jump. "Yes! Right away!" I exclaim. "Let's go on a roller coaster first!"

Kuroo and Kenma shake their heads but follow me anyways. Kenma was playing games on his phone for the whole walk there. "When are we getting food?" Kuroo asks.

I sigh, food is all he cares about. "Soon, okay?" I grumble.

He takes a step back, "what crawled up your ass and died?"

"Shut up!" I growl.

He walks closer to me. "Y/N," he says in a sweet and hushed tone, "what's wrong?"

I puff my lips and face the other direction. I throw my hand over my arm and point at Kenma. "He won't get off of that, my point in this was to spend time with both of you," I explain.

He nods and falls behind to match Kenma's pace. "What?" Kenma asks as Kuroo stares at him. Kuroo holds a hand out. "Fine," Kenma sighs.

Kuroo pockets the phone and smiles, "better now, Y/N?"

I nod. "Yeah. Except for the fact hes going to be a grinch for a little," I laugh.

Kenma shrugs, "I can just finish my round later."

"Here we are!" I exclaim at the sight of the roller coaster.

"That's..." Kenma speaks quietly, "really high."

I nod, "it is but it's really fun!"

Kuroo shrugs. "I heard they're not that bad, let's get going," he says.

Peek at what the ride was like

"I'm going to die! Y/N! Have them stop this I want to get off!" Kuroo screams to the right of me at the top of his lungs.

To the left of me, Kenma sat perfectly fine. I hadn't heard a scream out of him so far.

Peek over  😂

"That wasn't so bad," Kuroo mumbles as we walk down the hill.

"Wait!" I yell, "they take photos and I want to see ours!"

Kenma chuckles a little. Kuroo filled with dread mumbles, "they take photos...?"

The three of us walk over to the booth that presents your photos. "Look, that's us!" I point and say.

The photo was exactly what I expected. I had been smiling, Kuroo was screaming and almost on the verge of tears and then Kenma... he just looked bored.

"Oh how wonderful you looked, Kuroo. Not one bit of scared!" I tease.

He huffs. "I deserve my food now," he demands.

Kenma holds out his hand to Kuroo, silently asking for his phone back. "What do you want to eat?" I ask them.

Kenma shrugs, he couldn't care less if he had his phone. "What is there?" Kuroo asks.

I smirk. "Perfect question! I know just what you might like!" I exclaim and drag him by his arm to my favorite food booth.

"So, what are we getting?" Kenma mumbles the question.

Kuroo looks at the food coming out. "It's (favorite event food), Y/N suggested it and it looks so good," Kuroo was practically drooling.

"I'll have a order of three please and 3 waters," I order the food and turn to the boys, "you two can sit down."

Kenma shakes his head. "Sorry but that'll have to be two orders," he apologizes, "my mom wants to pick me up since we apparently had plans today."

I slouch my shoulders and take an order off. "Okay, bye!" I yell as he walks to the exit.

I take my food ticket and sit at the table Kuroo picked. It was really hot out but the park didn't have their umbrellas out to block the sun.

Kuroo seemed to notice my discomfort from the sun and sits in the direction the sun was at. We sat in silence until my order was called.

He takes a few bites. "This is really good," he says with a mouthful of food, "thank you, Y/N."

I smile, "anything for my bestfriend, even if you are an ass sometimes."

He chokes on his food and looks up at me. "Take that back!" He yells.

"Nope, finish eating so we can go on some more rides. I want to go onto the ferris wheel before the park closes," I explain. He nods and finishes his food rather quickly.

We stayed there going on random rides for about two hours before it started getting colder. "I think we should go on the ferris wheel and leave," I say with a little shiver.

Kuroo smiles. "Sure," he says but takes his Nekoma volleyball sweatshirt, "take this. It's getting colder and you're starting to shiver."

My eyes widen a little as he hands it to me. He was acting really sweet for once. "Thank you," I mumble as I put the sweatshirt on.

The sweatshirt was about twice, maybe three times my size. I kept catching Kuroo staring at me with puppy eyes. Kind of gross for him, they don't fit him.

"There isn't that big of a line so we could probably get on soon," I say as we approach the line for the ferris wheel.

We are placed in a seat. "The view is amazing," I say in awe, "look over there, you can see the city lights!"

I glance at Kuroo. He wasn't looking at the view, he was looking at me now. "The view wouldn't be beautiful without you," he mumbles as he looks away.

I feel a blush enter my face as I realize what he meant. I smile when he looks back at me. "You're not so bad yourself," I say.

He looks away from embarrassment and stays silent.

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