°○°○°Chapter 7°○°○°

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I wanted to go look at the shops since it's been over a hour since Kuroo and Kenma brought me to the beach but Kuroo said not yet.

"Come on, it's been over a hour since we got here and I want to get stuff!" I huff.

Kuroo leans his head back in his chair, "Y/N, I said in ten minutes. Can you not wait that long?"

"I wouldn't mind going now," Kenma mumbles.

"Ha! See that? We should go now," I cross my arms and smile.

Kuroo sighs and nods his head. "Yeah, grab anything valuable and we'll come back after we're done shopping," he tells us.

I quickly grab my wallet and put on a dress that covers bathing suits. Sliding on my sandals, I feel a nudge and almost fall over. "Hey!" I yell.

"What?" Kuroo tries to act like he didn't do anything.

I push him back but this time I make sure hes the one that actually falls. I hold out a hand for him to get back up since I knew he was my ride home, "come on, let's get going."

He smiles and takes my hand but takes his time getting up. As soon as he's on his feet I quickly wipe my hand and joke, "ew! Kuroo germs!"

Kenma smiles and waits for both of us to finish messing with each other.

"Are you seriously buying that much candy?" Kuroo asks with a blank face.

I smile at the register, "yup! I don't eat it that often so why not?"

My total came to over thirty dollar but Kuroo decided to pay me five if I let him have some.

"Where are we going next?" Kenma asks.

"I was thinking, isn't there a sports shop around here? You guys could get something for volleyball," I reccomend.

Kuroo takes it into consideration. "We can look," he says.

We ended up finding a sports shop. Since it was a beach, they had volleyball stuff. "Look at this," I say.

Kuroo and Kenma walk over and look at what I was holding. It was a volley ball with different designs and colors, not a normal volley ball.

"That looks cool," Kuroo says.

"Oh, and these!" I exclaim.

The shop had many athletic cord necklaces in all sorts of colors. I held up a necklace with the Nekoma colors. "Hold on, I'm gonna be right back," I tell them and bring two of the necklaces to the check out.

While walking back, Kuroo shakes his head. "No, Y/N, don't spend money on us," he demands.

I smile and shake my head. "I will do as I want," I hold them out to the boys, "now take them."

"I can't believe you did that," Kuroo sighs as we walk out of the store.

Kenma and I both chuckle. "Where do you want to go, Kenma?" I ask.

"Gaming stores," Kenma replies.

"Of course," I smile, "to the gaming stores we go!"

We spent a few hours going in between shops we all liked. After a while we decided to stop and get some food.

"Y/N do they have the same thing you ordered for me at the amusement park?" Kuroo asks.

I look at the food menu and nod. "Yes," I reply, "do you want it again?"

He silently nods. "I'll try it since I had to leave that day," Kenma says.

I nod and order the same thing as I did at the amusement park. All three of us ate in silence. Eating this reminded me of the day at the amusement park, especially at the end of the day.

"Yoo hoo! Y/N?" Kenma asks.

"What?" I ask back.

Him and Kuroo both chuckle. "You were zoning out... and staring at Kuroo," Kenma explains.

My face begins to heaten up. "Oh, I was just thinking about what I'm having for dinner," I lie.

"Oh that reminds me," Kuroo says, "my parents wanted to invite you two over for dinner if you'd like."

"Really? That would be amazing!" I shriek.

Kenma nods, "I agree with her, what time?"

"Five thirty, like usual," Kuroo says.

I call my mom to tell her I'd be at Kuroo's house for dinner.

"Hello mom, Kuroo said his parents invited Kenma and I to dinner tonight so I might not be home until later," I explain on the phone

(Bolded is your moms reply)
"Okay honey, that sounds fine. Make sure someone brings you home, I don't want you walking alone."

"Will do."

"And also, make sure nothing happens!"

"Yes mom, nothing is going to happen."

"Just checking. Make sure you have fun, I love you honey."

"I will, love you too."

I hang up and turn around. "She thinks something is going to happen?" Kuroo asks.

I blush, "she just overreacts."

"I wouldn't do anything to you and she knows it, right?" He places a hand on my head.

I sigh. Sometimes he annoyed me when he placed a hand on my head. "Yes. She knows," I mumble, "now get your hand off my head!"

He chuckles and takes his hand away. "Kenma wants to actually go swimming now," he explains.

I nod, "sounds fine to me."

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