°○°○°Chapter 5°○°○°

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Kuroo drops me off at my house. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks.

I nod. "Sounds fine to me," I smile.

I place my hand on the doorknob but stop when he clears his throat to say something. "I'm sorry about earlier," he mumbles, "if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay," I tell him and smile again, "in fact..." I give him another peck on the cheek.

He stood there in silence. I quickly retreat back inside before he could reply. I watch him from the inside, he stood with his mouth open in surprise. He slowly touches his cheek and takes his hand away. Smiling, he turns away and walks off before doing anything else.

I giggle and turn around to go to my room. "How was it?" My mom asks from the livingroom.

"What?" I ask.

"Your little date with him, how was it?"

"Oh. It wasn't a date, Mom."

She shakes her head and smiles. "I'm glad to see you two are happy with each other, dating or not," she says before lifting herself from her chair.

"He's just my bestfriend," I mumble.

"Whatever you say, Honey. You'll realize soon enough that he means much more to you," she says and leaves the room.

I stand in the quiet room. Her words stuck in my head. He means so much to me now but I can't show it.

I sigh to myself and wander to my room. "Hey, Y/N!" I hear a quiet yell.

Scanning my room, my eyes land on a spikey boy in the window. "Really?" I chuckle.

He smiles, "open it up, I have a gift."

I groan and open my window to let Kuroo in. "What do you have that's so important that you couldn't wait until tomorrow morning?" I ask.

He slowly climbs into my room and sits on the edge of my bed. "Well I gave a gift and a question," he says, "here's the gift." Kuroo reaches into his pocket and brings out a small box. "I thought you might like it."

I take the box as he holds it out to me. Beginning to open the box, I smiled a lot. "So what's your question?" I ask.

"Well my question is..." I finish open the box to see a small necklace, "if you could stop being a bitch and take that as a bribe."

I laugh and take out the necklace. "I hope this necklace wasn't too much because that's never going to happen," I joke.

He smiles, "do you at least like it? It's an early birthday gift since I can't wait."

"Yes, it's beautiful," I smile too, "thank you, asshole."

I hold out an arm to give him a small hug, he allows it to happen. "Now I actually have to go, bye!" He waves as he hops off my bed and out of my window.

"That dumbass," I mumble to myself.

These two weeks of Kuroo having volleyball off were just starting. So much has happened in two days, the next 12 will be even longer.

Short chapter I'm so sorry T_T

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