°○°○°Chapter 13°○°○°

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Me and Kuroo walk into the place we were supposed to meet Kageyama. "Looks like he's not here yet," Kuroo says, "let's find a seat."

We find a table with 4 seats and seat ourselves. I pull out my phone to notify Kageyama that we are at the cafe we planned to meet at. I describe where we are sitting and wait for any response.

I look up every time the door opens and eventually Kageyama walked through the doorway. He looks around before finding our table. Kageyama approaches the table and bows. "Hello, Y/N."

Kuroo scoffs and looks away. "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask Kageyama.

Kageyama seats himself and tilts his head like he is thinking. "Does he have to be here?" Kageyama asks as he looks at Kuroo, "it'd be nice to have one on one time with my old friend."

"He's here with me because we were supposed to spend the day together, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

It was starting to irritate me that he wouldn't just tell me what he wanted. I sip on my drink the waitress brought over and sigh. Kuroo puts his head onto his propped up hand and looks around.

Kageyama shifts in his seat. "I just thought we could be friends again and possibly try again," he pouts.

"She's with me now." Kuroo proudly says.

I smile and friendly tilt my head, "We could be friends again and catch up, but I'm dating Kuroo now."

Kageyama orders a drink and smiles. "That's okay but could I just talk to you by ourselves? It's been so long since we talked." He asks.

Kageyama didn't really ask, his tone more or less demanded that Kuroo would leave for a moment.

Kuroo sighs and gives in. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick."

As soon as he thinks Kuroo is out of earshot, Kageyama grabs my hands and whispers. "Please, Y/N, Kuroo is no good for you. I could give you everything! He hasn't known you as long as I have. Maybe we lost touch but we dated a while ago."

Kuroo comes around the corner and sees Kageyama holding my hands. "Yeah that's enough, Y/N, let's go," Kuroo's face reddens with anger.

Kuroo grabs my hand and slaps a bill on the table to pay for the drinks. He glares at Kageyama before pulling me out of the shop.

"If he ever tries anything like that again I'll beat him to a pulp!" Kuroo grumbles to himself.

Once we're out of the area of the shop he slows down and lets go of my wrist. I place my hand on his cheek to comfort him and slide my thumb over the redness on his face. "Hey, baby, it's okay." I tell him.

He huffs and leans onto my hand. "Can we go home now?" He asks.

"I actually have a better idea for you." I say, "can I drive?"

Kuroo nods and gives me his keys. I grab his hand and guide him to the car. We both sit in the car and sigh. Way to ruin a day with him. "Y/N." Kuroo says. I turn to him and he has a light smile on his face.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

Kuroo places a hand on my cheek. He looks at my lips then back to my eyes. Before I knew it we had both leaned in closer to each other. Our lips were barely touching. I think back to our first kiss. This feels like the first time we kissed, the feeling could never die.

I place my hand on his head and pull the hairs out of his face before pressing his lips to mine. It was one small kiss but my face felt hot already. I felt Kuroos lips turn into a small smirk as he pulls away.

"You're so adorable." He says and removes his hand from my face.

I smile and start the car. "Be quiet." I tell him, "I might just go home and make you drive yourself home so you'd be all alone."

"Fine, just let me know when we get there." He says and leans his seat back.

After a few minutes of driving, I look over to see Kuroo passed out in his seat. "I'll give him a few minutes." I mumble to myself.

I find a parking spot and park the car. I hop out of the car and find a vending machine to get a snack from. After getting back in the car, I open the bag of chips I grabbed. Kuroos eyes begin to open and he smiles.

"Is that for me, princess?" He asks and looks at the chips.

My face reddens and I hide the chips, "we're here."

He sits up and places a hand on my back. "The beach?" He asks and rubs my back.

"Yeah, we can play some one on one beach volleyball. There's a volleyball in the back of the car." I explain and twist around to grab the volleyball.

I feel Kuroo move in his seat as I feel his lips press against my neck. "You're perfect." He mumbles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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