°○°○°Chapter 11°○°○°

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It was the day after the incident with Kuroo. I lay in bed and throw my hands in the air, "why did I do that?!"

"Honey?" My mom mumbles through the door. "Kuroo is here to see you, he's waiting downstairs!"

"I don't feel that good," I lie.

My mom walks in and looks at me laying in bed. "You look fine to me."

"My stomach is bothering me."

"We have pain killers."

I sigh and nod, "I'll be downstairs in a few minutes."

My mom smiles and walks out of my room. I groan after she shuts the door and walks away. "That asshole!" I mumble to myself, "I don't want to see him now, it's too embarrassing."

I walk over to my desk and pick up my sweatshirt on the chair. I somewhat regret what I did last night, he saw me differently. It's not like I need to impress him or anything, I think and dress myself comfortably.

Walking downstairs was pretty awkward. Kuroo had his eyes laid on me the whole time, well at least until the last few steps. "Morning, Y/N," Kuroo politely says and smiles.

He definitely can act like nothing happened. I return the smile and sit and the counter. "Is that lunch?" I ask my mom.

"Yes, you slept late," she explains to me.

I shrug. I was hoping if I slept late, Kuroo wouldn't stop in this morning. It was whatever though, I would just simply tell him I didn't feel good so I couldn't go anywhere.

"Do you guys have plans today? If not, my mom wanted to invite you all over for dinner," Kuroo breaks the small silence.

I look at my mom with an exhausted expression. "Tell your mom that we're sorry and we can't make it, I have dinner all planned," my mom lies.

That was a first. My mom never made excuses to go over for dinner or spend time with friends and family.

Kuroo nods and smiles. "Alright, I'll think I'll be leaving so I can help my mom around for a little," he says.

My mom smiles and leads him out of the house. I could hear her rambling on about how I didn't feel good and how much she misses seeing Kuroo's mother. Once my mom enters the kitchen again she asks, "so what was that about?"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You didn't want to be around him, what's that about?" She repeats more detailed.

I rub the back of my neck. "I don't know, I heard Kenma say that Kuroo wanted to ask me out so I've been avoiding it," I lie to her.

She sighs and shrugs, "I always knew he had an eye for you, I'm pretty surprised you never noticed it before."

I shrug too, "he didn't seem like it to me."

"You shouldn't avoid him, Y/N," my mother continues, "if he really likes you then you'll crush him by avoiding him."

"He will be fine," I huff.

My mom always acted like she knew everything, but what mother doesn't? I roll my eyes and silently grab some food. "We will be going over there for dinner tomorrow night," my mom demands.

I nod and rush up to my room. I wanted to get away from everyone and have some "me" time.

"Hopefully he doesn't show up again today, I want to be left alone for a little," I mumble to myself.

I look down at my phone. One text message from: Kuroo ❤️. I groan and swipe open my messages.

Kuroo: are you trying to avoid me after what happened?
No, why?

Well that's an obvious lie. He better not notice

Kuroo: just seemed like it

I say "ok" and mute my phone. "Time to relax," I smile to myself and open my laptop.

My screen lights up as I open Netflix. I groan. What does he want?! I silently rage. I pick up my phone and read the message through my notifications.

Unknown? That's a little odd...

Unknown: I was wondering if you'd like to catch up soon, I saw you at a game a week ago

I question who it could be and decide to just ask instead.

"Who is this?"

It had to be someone from a Volleyball game. There was no other games I go to, especially recently. But who could it be?

Unknown: it's Tobio from when we were younger, you moved to Nekoma years back.

Well that explains it. I take a bite of my food and stare at the reply. Why now out of all the time he's had?

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