°○°○°Chapter 4°○°○°

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I wake up the morning after the trip to the amusement park. I was hit with a strong whiff of cologne as I sit up. "Where is that..." I look down, "I forgot to give him his sweatshirt back!"

"Y/N?" My mom asks, popping her head in the doorway, "someones here to see you."

I nod, "I'll be down in a moment."

Hell no! It's probably that crow looking ass wanting to flirt with me again. I don't have feelings for him! Well. I keep telling myself that.

I quickly slip on a pair of shorts and walk to the kitchen. There sat Kuroo. "Hello," I say with a smile.

"Goodmorning," he returns the smile.

Once he sees his sweatshirt still on me his face turns red. He quickly looks away. "What are you two planning to do today?" My mom asks.

I shrug. "I didn't know he would be here this early," I explain.

My mom knew Kuroo and I were bestfriends so she never had a problem with him randomly showing up. "What's for breakfast Miss.(L/N)?" Kuroo asks politely.

"Imagine getting that much politeness from you, I can't stand you somedays," I joke and lightly hit the back of his head.

He rubs his head. "Oww! Why did you have to do that, Y/N," he whines, "see the abuse I go through Miss.(L/N)?"

My mom giggles. "As long as you two don't injure each other, I see nothing," she says.

I smirk at Kuroo, "see."

He smiles and flicks my forehead. "If you can't stand me," he gets really quiet, "why are you still in my sweatshirt?"

Kuroo looks me up and down, acting like he proved a point. "Who knows, maybe it's just comfortable?" I say.

The truth was that the sweatshirt was comfortable but it also smelled really good. "Come here before I deck you," he says and holds an arm out.

I give him a slight hug. "I'm thinking we play some one-on-one volleyball today," I suggest.

He raises an eyebrow. "You think you're as good as me?" He questions.

I playfully tug the collar of the sweatshirt, "I mean I am wearing a Nekoma volleyball sweatshirt."

My mom looks at me and looks away without a word, only wide eyes.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Well if you want to play today then we have to wait to eat, then I can beat you in volleyball," he jokes.

Once my mom finished the food, Kuroo and I quickly ate and thanked my mom for cooking.

"So you're still wearing that sweatshirt?" Kuroo asks as we walk to the gym.

I blush and look away. "I didn't have time to change," I lie.

He chuckles and nods, "if you say so." I scoff. He almost always saw through everything. "Y/N," he shoulder bumps me, "don't think I don't know you like me. You're an open book when you're around me."

"Shut up," I mumble.

He quickly picks up his pace. "If you can't beat me there, you'll have to admit the truth... on our friendship," he yells from a few feet ahead.

I knew I couldn't beat him but I tried anyways. I eventually make it to the gym in a sweaty mess. "So, admit the truth," he says.

"Let's go inside," I demand.

He shakes his head. "I won't unlock the door until I hear it," he cups his hand to his ear as if waiting for me to answer.

I shrug and lift myself up to his ear. I cup my hand to his and say, "open the fucking door before I kick you."

"Jeez, Y/N," he mumbles and scatters to unlock the door, "there, you happy now?"

I could tell he was in a bad mood now so I smile as I pass him to walk in. "One thing," I quickly say and pause in front of him. I land a quick peck on his cheek. "Quit your bitching now, please."

His eyes widen. "D- did you ju- oh my God-" he processes.

Kuroo stumbled to get the volleyball equipment out. "Need help?" I ask.

He looks over at me and shakes his head, "I can get it." He continued to have large smile for the whole time we played.

"Ha! I beat you!" I yell as he misses the ball, "you said that was the last round so I win."

"Yeah, you're right," he mumbles, "I obviously let you win."

I stick out my tongue, "lies!"

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