°○°○°Chapter 9°○°○°

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I wake up the next morning to Kuroo still asleep. Sitting up, I realize I was in his bed and he was on the couch. "Dumbass, trying to act like a gentleman," I mumble.

Kuroo sits up and rubs his head. "What are you grumbling about?" He asks.

"Oh I thought you were sleeping," I say.

He slowly stands up and stretches, "nope, I've been waiting for you to get up. I didn't want to wake you."

I flop back. "Stop trying to act all nice now," I groan.

"Stop being a complaint machine," he retorts.

I huff and take my phone off the charger. "Hold on I need to call my mom," I tell him and call her back.

"Hello honey, why haven't you returned my calls? Is everything okay?" my mom asks.

"Yes mom, I just woke up," I tell her.

"Okay. Are you planning on coming home tonight or will you stay there for another night?"

"I'm probably going home sometime today."

"Okay, bye honey!"

She hung up before I could reply. "So when do you want to play some basketball?" Kuroo asks.

"Let me eat first, dumbass," I smile.

"Then let's go get food, everyone is at work and I don't feel like cooking," he says.

I choke on my own spit, "what- we're here alone?"

"Hey! Don't think I'm like that!" Kuroo yells.

"Better not, I'll slap you," I warn.

He smiles. "Get... dressed," he looks at me in shorts and one of his t-shirts, "and we'll go out for breakfast."

I look down, "right!"

I scramble through my beach bag and found and extra pair of clothes.

"That's what you're wearing?" Kuroo looks me up and down after I change.

"Yeah," I look down at my black leggings and (favorite color) shirt/or/sweatshirt, "what's wrong with this?"

He covers his mouth to hide a smile. "You look like you don't have an ass," he jokes.

I grab a pillow that was laying on the bed and throw it at him. "Take that back now!" I yell.

He dodges the pillow and smiles. "Come on, Y/N," he picks up the pillow and walks to the doorway, "let's get going."

I huff and follow him outside. Once we got to his car, I noticed it was filled with Volleyball stuff.

"Just throw the bag in the seat behind you, it just has some of my uniforms and stuff like that," Kuroo says.

I take the bag and accidentally hit him as he begins to sit in the driver seat. He sits in silence and tries not to react. "You're not going to get mad?" I chuckle.

"Just- let's get going before I bring you home instead," he jokes.

"So where are we going?" I ask once we were on the road.

He leans back a little. "My favorite breakfast diner," he explains.

"That sounds good, you're picky so it must be a good diner," I smile.

He shakes his head and smiles at the small insult. "Whatever you say, Y/N," he chuckles.

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