°○°○°Chapter 10°○°○°

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This chapter will be a little mature, I will give a warning when things will be getting heated in case you would prefer to only read the innocent parts and skip nature parts. The age for legal consent is 16 and the reader is currently 16, almost 17, while Kuroo is 17.

"Come on, how am I supposed to beat you if you don't go a little easy on me?" Kuroo whines.

After breakfast, both Kuroo and I decided to play basketball. I'm relatively good at basketball, but Kuroo? He could use a little practice.

"If I go easy on you, how will you learn?" I say.

Kuroo tries to knock the ball from my left hand but I dodge to the right. I watch him fall in a dramatic way. "Come on, Y/N!" He yells

I sigh and hold out a hand, "fine, I'll go easy on you." He smiles and takes my hand to get up. "But I'm not helping you up," I say and take my hand away.

Kuroo groans and pushes himself up. "You don't have to be such a bitch sometimes," he mumbles as he brushes his hands on his shorts.

Once he was fully ready to start the game again he already tried to knock the ball from my hands. "Nope," I say, and keep it out of his reach.

"How are you this good?" he asks.

I run to the basket and soot a shot without missing. "I used to play all the time, now I just practice here and there so I don't lose the ability to play," I explain while I grab the ball and walk back towards the starting point.

He nods and sits at the bench. "I don't really like this," he mumbles.

I walk over to the bench and place the ball where it goes. "Do you want to go to my house or your house for the rest of today?" I ask.

"Is your mom or dad home?" he asks.

I grab my wallet and place it in my pocket, "no, why?"

"Just wondering," he says, even though I had an idea of what he meant, "how about your house? Your mom wanted you home anyways."

"Okay, that's fine," I smile.

I turn around and get hit with something. "Take that, it's getting colder out," Kuroo mumbles.

I pick up what he threw at me and smile once I realize it was his jacket I returned last night. "Stop faking the gentleman act and just be normal," I joke and slide on the jacket.

"Come on, let's go already," he says and jingles the keys.

From here some things will have mature discussion and details, feel free to skip <33

"Kuroo," I say once we get into the car, "I know what you're trying to do."

Kuroo looks out of his window with a red face. "What do you mean, Y/N?" He questions.

"Just admit it," I groan.

He sighs and rests his head on the steering wheel, "would it be okay if we did it? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"It isn't that hard to be honest," I smile, "and yes, it would be okay."

His eyes widen before I look away. Gosh this is embarrassing and awkward.

The whole ride back to my house was completely silent. You could probably hear a pin drop. I guess it was just too awkward to say anything.

Almost as soon as I close my bedroom door, Kuroo is already seated on my bed. My face begins to heat up as I stand in front of him, "a-are you sure?"

"As long as you're still okay with it," Kuroo says and pulls on my waist.

I silently nod. How the fuck do I do this? I push him back a little and straddle his lap. Is this okay? He looks like he's enjoying this so far, I think I'm doing this right.

I place my hands on his cheeks and lightly kiss him. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist as he kisses me harder. He quickly moves his lips to my neck and begins leaving a trail of hickeys leading to my collarbone.

"Kuroo~" I moan as he hits the spot.

He teases the spot until he gets enough pleasure. "Do you want to go further now?" He asks in a sexual tone. I look away and nod. He puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him, "do you want to go further?"

"Y-yes," I stammer and try not to look away again.

Kuroo takes off his shirt as I get up and take my clothes off. By the time I was done, he had finished taking his shorts off, revealing only boxers. I decided to wear my (favorite color) set, unknowing that this would happen.

He pull on my hand, motioning for me to get onto the bed. I lay on my back, holding myself up by my elbows. I had my knees locked together in embarrassment. "You're sure you're okay with this?" Kuroo asks while he has his hands on my knees.

I nod, "very."

He nods too and presses my legs open. I close my eyes instead of watching everything. I feel as he pulls my panties to the side before sliding a finger in. My stomach turns to butterflies as I whimper. This was the most pleasure I've ever felt.

"If you're having trouble taking one finger, you'll have fun trying to take my dick," Kuroo leans into my ear. I hadn't thought of how that would be.

He inserts another finger and pumps faster than he did before. I cover my eyes with one hand and hold the sheet with my other. "Just do it!" I half yell without realizing.

"Getting impatient, Y/N?" Kuroo hums, "alright then." Kuroo sits up on his knees and pulls down his boxers. "You're going to have to do some work, you know."

I nod my head. He smirks and lays down beside me so I wouldn't have to move much. I move my mouth up and down. "Don't gag yourself, baby," Kuroo tells me and pulls my hair to the side so it wouldn't get in the way, "you're doing just fine now."

Suddenly he groans and I knew he was about to let out. I take my mouth off and wipe it. He silently flips on top of me and pins my hands above my head. "Ready?" He asks.

I nod. "Ready," I mumble before he pushes himself in me.

I bite down on my lip to try and hide my moans, but that didn't work. "Tell me when I can move," Kuroo says.

I nod, "go ahead."

He pushes in a few more times before groaning and pulling out before releasing.

Kuroo falls to my side and kisses my forehead, "you did great, baby."

I smile and lean my head on his chest for a moment. "I'm going to take a shower and then clean this..." I twirl my hand over my bed, "this up."

Kuroo kisses me one more time before I get up.

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