°○°○°Chapter 6°○°○°

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Surprisingly I didn't find Kuroo in my kitchen this morning like yesterday. I did wake up to a message from him though.

Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to go with Kenma and I to the beach?

Yeah of course!

Alright I'll pick you up around 12?

That sounds fine to me.

"Another day with him," I mumble, "good thing Kenma is going or else I'd think the perv would try doing something."

I open my closet and look through my bikinis. I had a striped one with my two favorite colors, a solid color and then a floral design.

I message my best friend and ask her which one would look better. She decided on the solid color bikini.

Be there in 5 minutes.

I get a message from Kuroo. I quickly put on the bathing suit and a pair of shorts and a shirt over them, slip on some sandals and walk downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My mom asks.

I grab my wallet from my school bag. "Kuroo and Kenma invited me to go to the beach with them," I explain.

She nods as soon as Kuroo arrives. "Be safe," she tells me.

I smile and nod before rushing out of the door.

Kuroo brought his car instead of Kenma's. His car was a white, topless jeep. (a/n, basic I know but I can't think of anything else at the moment)

"Wow, looks like you just got out of bed," Kuroo jokes.

I deck him as soon as I sit in the seat beside him. "Shut up before I change my mind about going with you!" I yell.

He chuckles and waits for me to buckle. "He's probably hoping he'll get lucky," Kenma jokingly whispers, which wasn't that quiet.

"Hey! No I'm not!" Kuroo yells.

Kenma and I both laugh. We both had a thing for testing Kuroo's limits. "Can we look at the shops after a little?" I ask.

"You want to go shopping?" Kuroo asks, I nod, "of course you do. Yes we can go to the shops." He didn't sound too happy about it so I sat in silence.

The ride to the beach was only five to ten minutes from my house so the ride wasn't that long.

I hop out of the back and groan. It hadn't even been a hour since I woke up. "Alright let's get going," Kuroo mumbles.

He was already on his way to the beach. "What crawled up his ass?" I ask Kenma.

Kenma shrugs, "he's been like that all morning."

I sigh. It was one thing to deal with Kuroo when he was in a good mood, but a bad mood? I would need a lot of luck on my side for that.

"Hey, Y/N," Kuroo says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

He motions a hand in the air, "come here." I shuffle to him and wait for what he wanted. "Are you wearing the necklace?"

I nod. "Of course I am. It's beautiful," I smile.


e places a hand on my head and mutters something quietly. I couldn't catch a word which made me pretty bummed. Kenma catches up to us. "What was that, Kuroo?" He asks.

"What? You heard that?" Kuroo says with a scared tone.

"I have better ears than you think, so should I tell her what you said or...?" Kenma teases.

Even though I didn't catch anything, I could tell it must've been something embarrassing. "We're here," Kuroo announces.

"Finally," I sigh, "I can lay in the sun!"

I begin to lay out a towel and Kenma helps me put up the big umbrella. "You tagged along... just to sit in the sun?" Kuroo asks.

I shake my head, "of course not. I just want to wake up a little more before getting into the cold water."

"Then we'll stay with you for now," he says and places a chair under the umbrella.

Kenma does the same and "accidentally" kicks sand on me. "If you want to be like that," I joke and sprinkle sand on him, "I'll just have to play along."

He smiles and shakes his head, "I only wanted to do it once."

I shake my head with a smile. "Well now my clothes are sandy, plus I can't really tan with normal clothing on," I mumble and take off my shirt and shorts to lay down.

I catch a glimpse at Kuroo. He had wide eyes and a small smile. He looks away and follows my moves but with only his shirt. "It's getting hot," he uses as an excuse.

I accidentally stare at him. He catches me staring and smirks before I look away.

Innocent thoughts Y/N. Innocent thoughts.

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