°○°○°Chapter 12°○°○°

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A/n, it has been months since I've touched this my apologies if anything seems a little confusing :)

After a long night of talking about where and when to meet, I finally go to bed.

Kageyama from my first school texted me out of nowhere about 3 hours ago wanting to catch up soon.

I close my eyes while thinking of what he wants. Does he want to be a thing after seeing me at Kuroo's games? Does he want to laugh at me for being a loser? What does he want?


I wake up to my daily alarm going off and lay in bed staring at my ceiling. "I only got 4 hours of sleep," I groan and place my hand over my face.

Kageyama finally got back to me while I was sleeping. He agreed with hanging out at a small diner in the next few towns over.

"Good morning," I hear a knock at my door.

I sit up and smile as I see Kuroo pop his head in. "Morning... uh do you want to go somewhere today?" I ask him almost immediately.

He comes in and sits on my bed. He leans back and sighs, "you don't want a home day? Just watch movies or something?"

I think of how to explain everything. I sit and place my hands on my lap. How bad could it be? "So you remember my ex from my old school? He said he wanted to catch up and I feel like if I got to know him it could be good for your team," I quickly blurt.

Kuroo stops smiling, "what?"

"Okay my ex that you saw at your games, remember?" Kuroo nods his head and stares at me to continue. "Okay well he texted me last night saying he would like to catch up and I want you to come with me," I explain more.

Kuroo plays around with his hair and sighs. "Is that why you didn't want to talk to me last night?" He asks.

"No Kuroo, I was just tired," my eyes pout a little.

"I'll go as long as he doesn't try to get me to leave," Kuroo agreed, "but if he tries to get me to leave then we're both going, okay?"

I nod my head and smile. "That's fine with me," I reply.

He smiles and kisses my forehead, "good girl. You should probably get dressed if you want to leave soon."

I blush at the nickname as he gets up. It hadn't been a half hour since I woke up and now I'm already getting ready to leave. I pick out a simple outfit for a lunch day.

"Don't forget my jacket if he's going to be around you," Kuroo smiles with his jacket held out to me.

I wore some blue jeans with knee rips, a black tank top with the Nekoma Volleyball team jacket over it and some (favorite shoes).

"You're cute," Kuroo says and places a hand on top of my head.

He had never really been the type of boyfriend or even just friend to place their hands on your waist or shoulders, it was always the top of the head he rested on.

I look up and smile as he leans down and kisses me again. "Are you sure you want to come? I don't need any fights," I joke to him.

"I'm sure I want to go if it's him," Kuroo looks away, he was jealous, "if he touches you it's over for him though."

I chuckle and take his hand off of my head. I held his hand in my hands for a moment before giving him a big hug. My head burrowed into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Kuroo," I mumble in his chest.

Kuroo looks down on me with a, "hmm?"

I look up and cutely sway from one side to the other and smile. "I think I love you," I tell him.

He looks away in an attempt to hide his blush, "isn't it a little too early to say that, babygirl?"

"Well you see I've liked you for a long time," I admit.

He smiles and ruffles with my hair. "I know I was just giving you some shit," he chuckles.

"So you should be back to Volleyball, right?" I ask him.

He gives a sad nod, "yeah, I'll miss spending my whole day with you though."

I giggle and hug him again. He slowly picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist for more support. He kisses my forehead.

Kuroo being Kuroo, he couldn't keep anything cute. I feel him let go of me as I fall onto my bed. He fakes a side slam and lands beside me. "Really?" I ask.

He was letting out his cute laugh. "Yes," he holds out a hand and slowly lets me up this time, "now we should probably start leaving if you want to get there for lunch time."

I brush the hair out of my face as I stand up and nod my head. This was just before I got to talk to Kageyama after years of being distant.

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