Prologue (pt 1)

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(This starts at Kitigawa Daiichi)
Kageyama Aiko's POV

"I made these cookies for you!"

A crowd of girls starts to form around the third year.  Oikawa?  He's on the boys' volleyball team, I think.  I decided to test my luck.  I walk over to the crowd, squeezing my way through the girls to get closer to him.

"Excuse me?" I try to get his attention. It doesn't work. "Hey, excuse me."  He looks down at me and gives me a smile.  A fake smile.

"Hmm?  Yes, what can I do for you?" He asks 'kindly'.

"You're on the volleyball team, correct?" He nods.  Great.  I lift up a bento and hand it to him.  I can feel the glares from the girls surrounding me.  "Could you give this to Tobio?"

"Tobio?"  He asks, a  little confused.  I nod.
"Ah, I mean Kageyama Tobio.  If you could I would very much appreciate it."  I notice a bit of resentment flash from his eyes, but he continues his facade.

"Oh, Kageyama!  Why yes, of course, I'll  deliver this for you!"  I give him a quiet thanks and turn the other way.  "Hey, wait!  What's your-"

I don't bother to stay and listen to what he has to say.  I hurry to the Girl's Volleyball club room.  I check my phone for the time.  3:44.  I sigh as I realize I'll probably be late to practice.  I open the clubroom door.

"Hm?  Oh hey, Aiko!  What're you doing here so late, you're usually one of the first girls to make it to practice."  My senpai, Akane Chiyo asks as she changes.

"Oh yeah, well this morning my brother and I grabbed the wrong Bentos, so I wanted to give him his bento before he went to volleyball practice.  I couldn't find him, so I went to find others from the volleyball club and I ended up finding Oikawa-kun-"

"WAIT!!  You got to talk to Oikawa-senpai!  You're so lucky!!"  Chiyo states, with hearts in her eyes.

"I guess, I just asked him to give the bento to my brother.  Whatever it really doesn't matter."  She gives me a slight glare and lightly punches my arm.

"I guess, but still!  It's Oikawa-senpai!  He's the most popular boy in school!"  I let out a sigh at her statement.

"We should hurry to practice,  we're already late enough as is.  Captain will have our heads!"  I say.  We finish changing and run to Gym 1.  As we open the door the other girls turn to face us.

"Oh, there you two are!  So, wanna explain why you're late?"  Captain asks.

Oikawa Tooru's POV

"Hey, wait!  What's your name?!" She doesn't answer, in fact, she runs off.  The girls surrounding me glared at her fading figure before turning back to me.
"She was being so rude to you Oikawa-senpai!  How can you just let her-"  I cut her off.

"AH, I'm sorry to cut you off but I need to get to practice!  I shall see you lovelies tomorrow."  I say giving them a smile while waving.  I turn away from them and start to walk away, ignoring their squeals.  I drop the smile and sigh.  "Damn, for Kageyama, really?  She was cute too.  Oh well, I guess I can't have them all." 

I walk in the same direction the girl went, to the boy's volleyball clubroom.  I walk to the clubroom and open the door.  Most of the team is in the room. 

"Are you always going to be late?"  Iwaizumi asks.

"Iwa-chan's so mean!!  I'm not that late!" I fake pout.  He lets out a sigh.

"Whatever, you need to learn to say no to your fangirls."  He states.  "Seriously, someone made you a bento and gave it to you... after school?"

"Actually, this isn't for me."  Some of the team looks at me confused.  I walk over to Kageyama and give it to him.  "A girl came up to me and asked me to give this to you."

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