Prologue (pt 5)

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(1st year at Karasuno)
Kageyama Ren's PoV

"I can't believe him!! That brat ate all the milk bread I made! I left some on the counter for him but nooooo, he though it would be a good idea to eat all of it.  Yuu, I made 4 loaves.  FOUR OF THEM! One for you, one for Tofu, one for Iwa-chan, and one for the family.  The nerve of that guy!  I swear, I'm not talking to him until he apologises!" I rant to Yuu.  He tries to calm me down while we walk to school.  He tries to change the subject.

"Say, what class are you in?  I'm in class 1-3." I pull out my phone so I can check.

"Hey, I'm in class 1-3 too!"  He looks at me a bit confused but with stars in his eyes.

"Hey, we'll be in the same class, that's awesome! Wait, aren't you like, super smart?  Shouldn't you be in a higher levels class?"  I shake my head.

"Nah, I may be smart and all but I'm a shit student!  During Junior high, I was constantly sleeping in class.  A lot of my teachers didn't like me.  I aced all of my tests, but I never did any of my homework, unless it would actually affect my grades.  Obviously, I did group work, but that's about it."  I tell him, he nods.

"I try to stay focused in class, but it gets difficult!  I end up getting bored and lose focus."  We continue walking and make our way to the front gate of Karasuno.

"Yuu, what's your shoe locker number?" I ask, looking at my phone in search of mine.

"It's #17c."  Damn.

"Mines #17b, looks like we're a row apart." He nods.  We go our assigned lockers.

I take my school shoes out from my bag and slip my regular shoes off.  I put my regular shoes in the locker.  I slide my school shoes one and close the locker.  I turn to my left and start heading towards the hall, to meet Yuu.  As I'm walking I bump into someone.

"Huh?  Hey, sorry about that, I'm in your way aren't I?" A boy says, apolitically. I shake my head and look at him.

"No, you're not at fault. I wasn't paying attention, so sorry about that. By the way, I'm Kageyama Ren, but you can just call me Ren." He smiles at me.

"I'm Ennoshita Chikara. It's nice to meet you, Ren. Are you also a first year?" He asks, I nod. "Same, I'm in class 1-4, how about you?"

"Oh, I'm in class 1-3." I smile to him and look to the hall and see Yuu. "Sorry to cut this meeting short but I should probably catch up with one of my friends before he gets lost. See you around,
Ennoshita." I say waving to him as I walk away. I catch up to Yuu.

"Hey Ren, do you know where to go?" I sigh.

"Yes. I looked at the school map last night, so I know my way around. Make sure to pay attention." I tell him.

I easily lead him to our classroom. I check my phone for the time. 8:07. We walk into the classroom and see the teacher and few other students.

"Ah, hello! Who might you two be?" The teacher asks.

"I'm Kageyama Ren." I quickly bow to her.

"I'm Nishinoya Yuu." He does a quick bow as well.

"Pleasure to meet both of you, I'm Yuki Amae, I'll be your Homeroom teacher as well as your math teacher. You may sit where you like, now I suggest you mingle with your other classmates." She says with a smile. Yuu and I walk to open seats that are next to each other.

"Yuu, which seat do you want?" He points to the one on our right. He puts his stuff down and I do the same.

"I can't believe we're in high school now! This is pretty amazing, don't you think, Ren?" I nod.

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