Prologue (pt 3)

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(2nd day of the tournament)
Kageyama Aiko's POV

"Nice kill!" I shout to the Captian. We high five. Our match had just started. We were playing against Chidoriyama Junior High. 

"Hey, Aiko, got any ideas yet?"  Chiyo asks.  I give her a weird look.

"The game only just started.  I haven't had time to think of anything."  I tell her.

I glance behind me to see if Oikawa and Iwaizumi had arrived yet.  To my surprise, they were there, with the rest of their team.  I stick my tongue out at them.  Oikawa pouts at me.  I should try to bug the other team.

"Hey, captain, Chiyo, look Oikawa is here to cheer us on." One of the middle blockers from the other team blows a fuse and looks to where I was pointing.

"I-i-it's Oikawa-senpai!" She squeals.  Her other teammates look over to him and also start to blush.  I feel a glare at the back of my head.  I turn to Oikawa who is waving with a very fake, and a forced smile.  The referee blows the whistle informing everyone that it was time to serve.  Captain quickly serves.  The other team wasn't able to receive the ball, as they were too focused on Oikawa.  Captain and I high five.  We continue going back and forth with points.  We reached set point while the other team was still at 15 points.

"Nice serve!" I shout to Chiyo.  She sticks her tongue out at me.  She serves it.  The other team was able to receive it but it came back as a chance ball.  It went right to Chiyo.

"Got it!" She shouts.  "Aiko!"  She calls to me.  I run to the setters position, catching quite a few people by surprise.  I jump as I pass the line, setting the ball to the Captain.  She spikes it.  The weren't able to save it.

"NICE!" We all high five.  The set ends and we have to switch sides. 

"You actually got it!  I'm so proud!  You've been working on that one for a while right?"   I nod. 
I look over at the boys team to see their reaction.  It's mostly astonishment.  I think I hear Tobio say something like, "That's my sister!"

"Hmm, right!  I thought of a plan."  I tell my team.  Coach reassuringly pats my shoulder.

"Let's hear it."

"Me calling Oikawa out the way I did earlier was so I could judge their reaction and get him on their mind.  With him on their minds, their focus has broken a bit.  So it'll be easier to catch them off guard.  The power of boys am I right?"  I joke, Chiyo lightly punches my arm. "Anyways, their #5 seems to be new to volleyball.  I've noticed that she has a lot of hesitation when going to receive the ball.  So, I would recommend that you try to aim your spikes in her direction, for now at least. Don't want to do it too many times or else it'll become predictable." Captain nods, knowing I was mostly directing that towards her.

"Right.  Their setter seems a bit problematic." Captain states

"Agreed, I was thinking that she's kinda like Tobio with her skill.  She seems to be new as well.  I wouldn't be surprised if she does a few dumps in this set.  She seems to be a natural at setting, but she seems to get flustered easily.  When gap between our points starts to get wider that when you should expect a few dumps, but I'll be ready for them.  They have a good defense, but their #7 leaves her arms a bit to far apart.  If any of you aim for in between her arms it should get through, though once we attack like that it's likely that she move her arms closer." I state.  The girls started nodding at me.  The referee blows his whistle, signaling us to get into position.  We stark getting in position.  Chiyo turns to me.

"Hey, Aiko!  I think you got an admirer!"  Huh?  She covers her left hand and points over to the stands.  I turn and see a boy with a blush on his face, staring right at me.  He's wearing Chidoriyama's Libero's uniform.  I smile and wave to him.  His blush darkens and his teammates start to tease him.

"He's cute." I state. Some of the girls on my team look at me like I have five heads.

"Aiko just said someone was cute."  I glare at them.

"Focus on the game." I tell them.

The second set begins with our serve.  Their movements were better than they were in the first set, but they were still stiff. They managed to receive the ball, it made it's way to their setter. She sets it to her right, their captain ready to spike it. I move towards the middle of the court, closely observing the ball and how the captains hand hits it. She hits it diagonally. I move to my right and bend down, receiving the ball. It easily made its way to Chiyo who set it to one of the other second years.

"Nice kill!" Chiyo and I shout after the ball hits the ground.

~Time skip time after the match~

We just finished shaking hands with the Chidoriyama's team.  Chiyo and I grab our water bottles and left the gym, heading to our meeting spot.

"I still can't believe you called that guy cute!  I think it's the first time I've seen you show interest in a guy AND you're friends with Oikawa-senpai!" Chiyo exclaims,rather loudly.

"I don't know, he just looked cute.  You know I'm one for speaking my mind.  Also, I'm really only friends with Oikawa by chance." I state.

"That not true, Ai-chan!!  We're friends because of fate!" I give him a weird look.

"Oh, hi Oikawa-senpai!" Chiyo says, a blush covering her face. "Hey, I'll let you guys catch up on things.  I'll tell coach you were stopped by the boys team." She says winking.

"See ya Chiyo!"  I wave to her.

"Say, Ai-chan, I heard your friend mention that you called someone cute.  Was it by chance me??" Oikawa asks with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.


"Damn.  I should have known.  Why won't you call me cute??" Oikawa asks/whines.

"I'll call you cute when you are cute."  Some of his team start to laugh at his misfortune.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I have something very important to do." I turn to Iwaizumi, who just sighs, pawning his bag off to one of the first years.

"Just get it over with." He grumbled, a faint blush appearing on his face.

"IWA-CHAN!  IWA-CHAN!  IWA-CHAN!  Catch me!" I shout as I run and jump onto him.  Oikawa glares at Iwaizumi.

"I wish I could carry you like that..." he grumbles. 

The team members unfamiliar to my antics stare at Iwaizumi and me, shocked.

"Iwa-chan, you're so strong, y'know?  Having you catch and carry me like this is great!!  I could stay like this for hours."  I put my chin on his shoulder and start hugging him. 

"Iwa-chan!!  No fair, I want Ai-chan to give me a hug like that!" Oikawa pouts.

"No." Both Iwaizumi and I say.  Oikawa fake crys. I look behind Iwaizumi and the the cute Libero boy from earlier.

"Hey, Iwa-chan can you put me down?" I ask him.  He complies.  Once I'm on the ground I scurry over the the Libero.
"Hey!!  Cute Libero guy!!" He looks at me with a blush and starry eyes.

"Oh hey!!  You're the Libero from Kitagawa's girls team!  I overheard your plan and was super impressed!"  He complemented me. "Not to mention that super awesome set thing that you did at the end of the first set!  That must've taken forever to get right!" I nod.

"It did!! I've been working on it for weeks!  That was the first time I ever did it in a match though!  Oh, by the way, I'm Kageyama Aiko!!  Nice to meet you!" I reach my hand out to him, he gladly takes it.

"I'm Nishinoya Yuu!  I'm the Libero for Chidoriyama's boys' volleyball team!"

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