4. Evade

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Alt. Title : Chikara gets annoyed with Ren (again). Ren's just tired and impossibly smart

Kageyama Ren's POV

"If you two don't makeup, you're both out of the game." Ukai tells us.

I hear gasps around us. I don't break my glare.

"Tch, fine. I guess I'll apologize." Tobio says. "I'm sorry." He mumbles.

My glare intensifies. Yuu sighs and walks over to us, putting a hand on each of our shoulders.

"Kageyama, you know that's not what he wanted. You've got to say it with passion!" Yuu exclaims. "Now then, stop messing around and do this properly."

"Ren, I'm sorry I ate all the milk bread you made."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouts from around us.

"All of that was because he ate some milk bread?!"

"Hold on, Ren. You ignored him because he ate your bread?" Chikara asks. I nod and drop my glare. My eyes fill up with tears.

"TOBIO!!" I shout, I grab him and force him into a hug. "TOBIO, YOU IDIOT! Why couldn't you have apologized sooner!? There were so many times where I almost broke! You're so mean to your big brother! You were basically tormenting me! WHAAAAA YOU'RE SO MEAN!!"

"Geez Ren, look, I apologized and you're talking to me again, there's no need for tears!" Tobio says.

I hear shuffling from behind me. I'm forced off of Tobio. I turn my head and see Chikara glaring at me.

"Ren," His glare intensifies, "all of this, over some bread? Also, cut it out, with the tears." I pout a little.

"Yes sir." I say. He puts me down. I wipe the tears from my face and smile. "Right then, apologies for this little distraction! Let's get back to playing."

We continue to play. The first set goes to the NA Team, 19-25. I walk over to Asahi, Yuu, and Suga.

"Nice job you three! Taking the first set from us like that." I tell them. I look to Asahi. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Jesus." I say, lightly punching his arm.

"Yeah, it has. I heard you got suspended." I nod.

"Yeah, the VP dragged me into Yuu's punishment. All I did was stop you from walking away, that was before the VP even came out of his office." I tell him.

"Nishinoya, did you apologize to Ren?" Suga asks, Yuu nods.

"Alright, talk with you guys later. The second set is about to start." I say.

I wave to the three of them and walk away, towards my team. The match starts up again. On the fifth serve, I receive the ball and pass it to Tobio, who set's it to Ryu. Yuu saved the ball and it was sent to Suga.

"Left!" Asahi called.

I look around to check our defense, Hinata's too far up.

"Hinata, go further back!" I shout to him.
Asahi jumps for the ball, right before he hits it Daichi called out to Hinata.


That seemed to bring Hinata out of his trance, but it was too late. The ball hit by Asahi, hit his face. Hinata was shot back. Ryu and Asahi look like they've seen a ghost.

"Pft!" I cover my mouth to prevent me from laughing. Everyone rushes over to Hinata.

"Hinata!" Asahi shouts as he goes to Hinata's aid.

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