6. Second-year's Tale

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Alt Title:  Kiyoko is a really good friend, but sorry, Yuu is better.

Kageyama Ren's POV

"Hinata!  You need to pay attention to where you're going.  You're lucky I met up with Kuroo, if I hadn't, then you could've been lost for longer-"

"Hinata!  Ren!  There you are."  A voice called out from behind me.  I turn around and see Suga.  "We've been looking for you."  Hinata runs over to Suga.

"I'm sorry!  I ran so fast I went the wrong way."

I walk over to them and pat Hinata on the back.

"We should probably head back to the inn."  I suggest, they both nod in agreement.


We walk into the inn and are greeted with an annoyed coach and captain.  I slightly nudge Hinata, causing him to stumble forward a bit.  I, then, look towards Suga.

He looks concerned.  It's probably due to the fact that Tobio's on the team now.  Suga's an amazing setter and he has an amazing connection with the rest of the team, but Tobio has natural, raw talent.  As much as I hate it, he's a prodigy.

I quickly excuse myself.  As I'm walking past Suga, I pat him on the back.  I continue walking until I get to the kitchen.  Kiyoko is preparing dinner.

"Hey, Kiyoko, do you want any help?"  She looks at me for a brief moment before nodding.

"Can you cut the vegetables?"  I nod.  I grab the plate the vegetables were set on. "They've already been washed."  I nod.

I place the plate next to a cutting board and grab the knife that was set on it.  I begin to cut the vegetables.  After a few minutes of silence, Kiyoko speaks.

"Ren, have you told coach about you yet?"  I chuckle and shake my head.

"No, not yet.  I was planning on telling him later tonight.  Being honest, I've been trying to procrastinate telling him.  Though, I did make myself promise that I would tell him before the Nekoma match."  I tell her.

"Oh, I see." Kiyoko states. 

We continue to cook in silence, occasionally asking each other to grab ingredients.  As we're setting the table I break the silence.

"Shimizu, thanks for being there for me.  You're such a great friend."  Kiyoko blushes a little.

"You're a great friend too, you're always there to support me and you always help me whenever I'm getting unwanted attention.  You always know what to say to cheer me-"  Kiyoko is cut off by the dining hall's doors being flung open.  Ryu and Yuu come rushing in.

"DINNER TIME- Ren?  What are you doing in here . . ." Ryu starts.  Both Ryu and Yuu have shadows covering their eyes.

"alone with . . ." Yuu conitues.

"our Goddess Kiyoko?" Ryu finishes.

I let out a sigh and ignore the two of them.  I place the plates on the table.


"Did you come here to complain or to eat?" I ask them, sending a glare their way.  They begin to cower a bit.

"W-we came to e-eat." They say simultaneously.

I nod and pick up two of the plates I had just set.  I put one in each hand and extend my arms out.  The two of them grab their plates and begin piling food on them.  I walk out of the dining hall and inform everyone that dinner is ready.  Eveyone rushes to the dining hall.

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