2. Coach

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Alt. Title : Is that a Homestuck reference?  OMG Jesus is back!!

Kageyama Ren's POV

Chikara and I go our separate ways as we walk back to our classrooms.

"Bye Chikara, see you later." I say as I wave to him. He gives me a small nod.

"Right, I'll head over to your classroom after school, so don't leave without me. You're not going to skip practice today like you did yesterday. If you try to skip out on it, I'll drag you there myself." He says.

"Right. I won't, see you later." I say, pouting.

I continue walking down the hall and reach my classroom. As I enter, I hear squeals from the back of the room.

"Kyaa! Look, he's back!"
"Ren-kun! Hii~!"
"H-how was lunch, Senpai?"

I don't pay any mind to them and just walk to my seat. I take a quick glance at the board and see the words 'Greek Mythos' written. Shit. Why?! I really want to sleep right now. Letting out a sigh, I reach into my bag and grab a pen and notebook. I grab my phone and check the time, 12: 54. I still have six minutes before the class actually begins. I unlock my phone and begin texting Chikara.

lazyLibero (LL) - Ren
averageOnion (AO)- Ennoshita
-[lazyLibreo (LL) began messaging averageOnion (AO) at 12:55]-
LL- chIkArA! gUEss whAt!
AO- What is it? Class is about to begin.
LL- I knOw! I'vE dEcIdEd thAt I'm gOIng tO stAy AwAkE fOr thIs clAss pErIOd!
LL- my tEAchEr Is plAnnIng tO hAvE A lEssOn On grEEk mythOs!
AO- That's a surprise, I never thought you would be willing to pay attention in class.
LL- gEEz
LL- I knEw yOU wErEn't thE shArpEst knIfe in cEAsur
LL- bUt I thOUght yOU wOUld knOw thAt whEn It cOmEs tO mYthOs, I'm wIllIng to gIvE my fUll AttEntIOn
AO- Class is starting, put your phone away.
AO- Also, you type like a tool.
-[lazyLibero (LL) ceased messaging averageOnion (AO)]-

"Ren!" A familiar voice calls out. I open my notebook and grab my pen.

"Hey, Yuu. How was your lunch?" I ask him as he sits.

"It was fine, OHH! So, yesterday after you left the gym, Hinata called me his senpai and asked me to teach him how to receive better! I bought him ice cream at the end of the day."

"I see. Y'know, I think you'd spoil anyone who called you Senpai."

"Are you planning to stay awake for this class?" he asks, trying to change the subject. I nod.

"Yeah, if we're talking about greek mythos, then I'd love to correct everything that comes out of the teacher's mouth." I state, smirking. Yuu lifts up his hand, asking for a fist bump. I oblige.

"You're sounding a bit cocky, Ren." A voice says from behind me. "You sleep during every class and the one class you decide to stay awake for, you claim you'll be correcting the teacher? I expected better from you." She concludes. I turn, facing her.

"Chisa." I say, acknowledging her existence. I turn back to Yuu. "Hey, when exams come around, do you wanna get the team together and have a study ses-" I start to ask him.

"HEY! Don't just ignore me!" I turn back to Chisa.

"I didn't ignore you. I acknowledged your existence by saying your name, then continued my conversation with Yuu." I tell her. She begins to blush.

"T-that's- Wait no-" She gets cut off.

"Alright class, settle down. I apologize for being late, I had an important call I needed to take. Anyways, this week's topic is Greek Mythos. Today we'll be covering the Hellenistic Pantheon or rather, the Classical Greek Gods." The teacher states. "Now before we begin are there any questions about this that I can answer for you?" The boy in front of me raises his hand. "Ah, yes, Akemi."

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