Chapter 8

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Shiratorizawa has the first point after Nishinoya unabled to receive Ushijima's spike. "Don't worry." "You'll get the next one.", the team said,  as the game continues with Kawanishi serving. As he serves, the ball heading towards Daichi and he thought it going out, "Out.", Daichi said as the ball was in bound.

Kawanishi serves again and the ball grazes the top of the net, Asahi and Tanaka said, "Got it.", but both of them freeze and the ball landed, which earned Shiratorizawa another point.

Kageyama notices that everyone is nervous, then Sugawara angrily shouted, "Stop it already!", and the team was holding him back, "You think you're nervous just because there are cameras everywhere! Quit being so worked up!", he shouted, as the referee give them a warning glare, "Sorry!", Daichi said, as Kawanishi serves the ball and Daichi receives.

Kageyama sets the ball to Tsukishima, but his spike was received by Goshiki. Reon send the last hit to Ushijima who spikes and score when Nishinoya is unable to receives again. While Ushijima is receiving praise from the cheering squad, Nishinoya requests, "Give me three more chances.", for he will get Ushijima's spikes.

Ushijima lands another spike, putting the Karasuno team on edge until the next play when Tanaka lands a clean spike past Ushijima and Tendō. He is given great praise from the team for scoring their first point.

After Shiratorizawa scores their eighth point, a technical time-out takes place. Ukai reminds the team, "Blocking comes down to timing, try to at least  be able to touch the ball, even if we can't stop it", The time-out ends and the game continues. Right away,

Ushijima spikes and scores despite Tsukishima having gotten a one touch, bringing the score to a six point gap. Ushijima is up to spike again as he is faced with a triple block. Even with spot on timing to block, Ushijima makes it through and the ball goes right to Nishinoya. The Karasuno libero momentarily has control of the ball before it continues out. Nishinoya remains calm and focuses back on the game.

Goshiki next serves and Tanaka receives but it is sent back to Shiratorizawa. Ushijima is sent the last hit and Tsukishima realizes he and Asahi jumped to block too early. Ushijima lands a powerful spike that sends the ball bouncing toward the ceiling.

Tsukishima misses a block by Kawanishi as he has been focusing too much on the timing for Ushijima. With the score now 15-07, Kawanishi goes to serve but sends the ball directly into the net. At Ushijima's next spike, Tsukishima quickly positions himself to block with perfect timing; something Ushijima himself notices but is still able to get past Tsukishima.

With Shiratorizawa reaching sixteen points, another techinical time-out is called. Yamaguchi panics, "Tsukki, your finger's jammed!", as he noticed Tsukishima's finger, "Don't worry, I'll tape it for you.", Ennoshita said as he taped his finger.

After the time-out ends, Takeda tries to encourage the team, "Don't worry, team, you just need to relax. Relax, relax, re-", he stopped after realizing Ushijima is going to serve next, he became nervous at seeing Ushijima prepare to spike, believing that his serves could possibly be as devastating as his spikes.

Ushijima serves and Daichi attempts to save but the ball is sent out. Tsukishima is silently grateful that he is not in the position to receive and realizes that Karasuno may have to surrender the first set as it seems nearly impossible for them to catch up with a nine point difference.

He then looks over to Nishinoya who is completely focused as Ushijima prepares to serve again. Ushijima serves and Daichi is barely able to hold himself back as Nishinoya positions himself and receives the ball, sending it straight into the air and surprising the Karasuno team.

Kageyama jumps in a spiking motion, causing Tendou and Reon to jump to block until Kageyama suddenly changes to a setting potion and sends the ball to Tanaka who lands a spike. Asahi and Daichi marvel at Nishinoya keeping his word of being able to get use to Ushijima's hits and are determined not to just stand around. Tanaka said to Kageyama, "I'm impressed that you're calm about this. You're not even scared about who we are against." "Because no one is frightening me more than Oikawa.", Kageyama explained.

At the next rally, Sugawara is subbed in for Tsukishima as Hinata rotates in; his height and position catching the attention of Tendō. Sugawara serves and aims right for Ushijima but Reon instead receives the serve, seeming to confirm that he will not go after a serve. Shirabu sets to Tendou who uses a time lag attack to throw Hinata off and lands his spike. Tsukishima is subbed back in.

Reon serves but it lands out. Kageyama serves next and lands a service ace. Ukai said, "I'm impressed how Kageyama and Nishinoya are able to play like they normally do despite they are facing Shiratorizawa." Kageyama serves again and Reon receives. Shirabu sends the last his to Goshiki. He lands a straight shot and right away wonders if his team noticed only to see Ushijima complimenting Reon on his receive.

The next rally plays out as Asahi attempts to spike but the ball is picked up by Reon. Goshiki sends the ball to Ushijima who spikes past Hinata and Tanaka but Nishinoya is able to get the ball up though it's off. Tanaka sends Hinata the last hit and Hinata does the rebound off Goshiki's hand for another set up.

Asahi sends the ball to Kagyema as Hinata charges forward. He jumps to the side and spikes past Tendō only for Ushijima to receive the spike, surprising everyone. Ushijima calls for Shirabu to give him the last hit and he spikes past Kageyama, Hinata and Tanaka with great force, thus winning the first set for Shiratorizawa.

As the teams switch sides, Tendō notices how Ushijima is paying close attention to Hinata and questioned, "Say, you always focus on that no. 10 in Karasuno, why is that?", Ushijima reveals "I met him earlier and he had promised that he and Karausno would beat Shiratorizawa and make it to nationals." Tendou believes that Ushijima finds Hinata amusing but Ushijima denies by saying "I dislikes him because of his confidence does not seem to have a basis."

Ukai  advised the team, "Don't panic, guys, Ushijima may score nearly half of the winning points, but you can beat him, his stamina will probably reach its end and he will begin to make mistakes. Akihiko, you're going in for Asahi." Akihiko nodded in agreement.

The second set begins and Goshiki serves first. Daichi is able to receive the serve, annoying Goshiki, and Karasuno launches the synchronized attack. Kageyama sets the ball to Daichi and Yamagata is unable to receive his spike, getting Karasuno the first point of the set.

Daichi next serves and Reon receives. Shirabu sets to Kanawishi and scores when Nishinoya fails to reach the ball in time. Akihiko gains the point back when he spikes the ball off Ushijima's arm and sends it out of bounds. Akihiko serves with his left arm and Goshiki receives but the ball is set off. Shirabu sends the ball to Ushijima who then deflects the ball off Tanaka's hand and sends it out.

Ushijima next serves and the ball hits Tanaka straight on his forehead but sends it back over the net and landing before Yamagata can save it. Tanaka tries to play this off "My intended plan worked.", but Tsukishima points out "You look like you're in pain."

As Hinata rotates in he claims he will show Ushijima who the stronger team is and causing Sugawara to question Hinata's behavior."How did happened?", Tadashi reveals "Hinata had run into Ushijima not too long ago and the two had a 'scuffle'", sending Sugawara into a panic from thinking Hinata is picking fights with other schools.

At the next chance ball, Hinata calls for the ball and Kageyama sends him the new quick. Hinata spikes only to suddenly be blocked by Tendou.

Tendou informs Hinata and Kageyama, "If you wish to beat Ushijima, you will have to beat him first. Got it?"

(A/N): 1,380 words, sorry about the late update, I've been busy lately because I have some requirements that I have to in college. Hope you like this chapter.

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