Valentine's Day Special

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'Valentine's Day. Great.", I sarcastically thought as I walked to my classroom and sat beside Yachi, "Ne, Aki-kun, does your boyfriend send you any gifts?", she asked.

I shaked my head and replied, "Not yet, they haven't talked to me today and it worries me.", Yachi nodded and realized, "Eh? They?!"

"Let's just say I have another boyfriend when I was at the Training Camp.", I stated as Yachi blinked and stuttered, "G-Good for you!", and gives a thumbs up.

I nodded, "Don't tell anyone though. I want to surprise them.", I said as the teacher arrived and started our lesson.


After class is over, Yachi and I went to the gym, "Good afternoon.", she greeted while I grunted in greeting.

"Good afternoon, Yachi and Akihiko.", Daichi and Sugawara greeted.

"Ne~ You two have any gifts from Valentine's Day? Imagine Kiyoko giving me a Valentine's Day card and chocolates~", Tanaka imagined and sighed.

"Not really, but I think Aki-kun.", Yachi answered, "Ooh~ who's the lucky guy?", Sugawara teased and nudged me.

"Nothing special, just someone in my mind.", I stated as we began to practice our training.


We finally finished our training and we changed our uniforms. As we went outside Hinata pointed out, "Japan!", as we looked at the entrance and saw Ushijima and Tendou.

Tendou looked up and called, "Aki-kun~!", he ran to me and buried his face to my pecs, "I miss you~", he muffled as he looked up to me and pouted.

"Baby, we talked on the phone last time.", I stated, "But it's not the same as meeting you in person.", Tendou whined as I hugged him back.

"Come here, Wakatoshi-kun, give him some love too.", Tendou called as Ushijima went to them and hugged them, making Tendou sandwiched between two himbos.

"Um... Akihiko, why is Ushiwaka hugging you too?", Sugawara asked as I answered, "We're dating.", the team blinked and exclaimed, "EEEHHH?!"

"Y-You have two boyfriends?!", Tanaka exclaimed as I replied, "Yes. Ever heard of polyamorous relationship?"

"Well, yeah, but I didn't know you were dating Ushijima as well. When did you start dating?", Daichi asked.

"Since the Training Camp, we talked about it and I decided to date him as well since he gets jealous of our relationship.", I replied.

Daichi nodded and said, "That's nice. Well, have fun with your date.", as they went ahead and left.

Tendou and Ushijima stopped hugging me and Tendou said, "Speaking of dates, Happy Valentine's Day!", and both of them give me flowers and chocolates.

"Thank you, Tendou and Ushijima.", I thanked them as Tendou stated, "Let's go on our date!", and dragged both of us to our date place.


We arrived at a cafe shop and sat on a booth, "Welcome to our cafe shop, what can I get for you tonight?", a waitress asked.

"I'll have hot chocolate and chocolate cake.", Tendou ordered, "I will have a matcha latte and strawberry cheesecake", Ushijima ordered.

"And I'll have a dark caramel coffee frappe and cinnamon roll.", I ordered, "Okay, anything else?", the waitress asked, "That's all.", I answered.

"Okay, your orders will be here in 15 minutes.", she stated and we nodded as the waitress left, "Man, I can't believe we're on our second date with Wakatoshi-kun!", Tendou exclaimed.

"Yes, and I'm having a swell night thanks to you two.", Ushijima replied and smiled a little, "Good thing it's also Friday, so we can spend time together.", I added.

Then, the waitress arrived with our order, "Here are your orders. Enjoy!", she said as we began to eat our food and drinks.


We've finished our food and drinks, and the waitress put the bill to our table, "Here's your bills.", she said as I stated, "Don't worry guys, I'll pay.", and handed the waitress the money and tip.

"Thank you for coming! Have a lovely Valentine!", the waitress called and we left the shop as Tendou stretched his arms and wrapped it on our shoulders.

"I'm glad I get to have a date with you two. You guys make me so happy!", Tendou exclaimed as Ushijima and I wrapped our arms on Tendou's waist.

"Well, we're happy too. Thanks again for the gifts, you two.", I stated, "Of course, anything for our beautiful boy.", Ushijima complimented.

I blushed and punched him playfully, "Stop it, Ushijima.", I pouted, "You can call me Wakatoshi and Tendou, Satori.", he said.

"Alright, Waka-kun, Sato-kun.", I smiled as they looked at me and blushed, "Y-Yeah!", Tendou stuttered.

We arrived at my house and I said, "Thanks for the date you two. I wish I could give you something back."

Tendou waved his hand, "No need, Aki-kun, you being here is all we wanted.", he stated and Ushijima nodded in agreement.

I smiled and replied, "Hai! Thanks again.", and kissing them both on the lips as I went inside and placed the flowers on a vase and the chocolates in the refrigerator.

"How's your date?", Ukai asked, "It was amazing.", I answered as my uncle nodded and stated, "They better take care of you or I'll beat their asses."

"Uncle, stop it. They won't do that to me.", I stopped him as I went to my room and changed my uniform to my pajamas.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth as I went to bed, "I'm glad I have the best boyfriends ever.", I thought as I go to sleep.

(A/N): 925 words, Wassup y'all, it's almost Akihiko and my birthday and I probably gonna write a special for him because I love him. Also, I might not be able to write this fanfic on time because I have school, so please bear with me. Thank you!

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