11!!!!!! Yay! I don't like 11s... :( :)

24 1 4

Chenoa: Did you really have to cut me off midsentence?
Real C: Yup! Only 4 pages per chapter.
Chenoa: Whatev. I'm dying for a coffee or hot chocolate and food. *Turns into carpark and parks, almost reversing into a tree*
Tan Yan: This trip is either going to kill us or we're going to kill it. *Buys food and drinks for the three of them with money that just ended up there*
Chenoa: Where's my coffee?
Tan Yan: Dude, you ain't gettin coffee. Just drink the hot chocolate.
Chenoa: Bleh. *Drinks coffee and stuffs her face*
Anya: The thing I don't get is how she can eat so damn much and not get fat.
Tan Yan: She's a freak, remember?
Anya: (unconvinved) Right...
Chenoa: What's he doing here?
Anya: Who? *Turns to see who Chenoa is looking at*
Chenoa: (Whispers) Andre.
Tan Yan: Who's Andre?
Chenoa: (whisper-shouts) Tan Yan!
Andre: *Walks over*
Anya: Be yourself.
Andre: Hi!
Chenoa: Hi! (mutters) I hate doing intros. This is Anya and Tan Yan. This is Andre. Ok, that's done. *Starts stuffing her face again*
Anya: Stop eating for a while, C. *Shoots C a look*
Chenoa: You said to be myself!
Anya: Yeah, but like...
Chenoa: Dude, the other day you said to be myself, then you said pretend, then be myself, then pretend then be myself. Confusing much?
Anya:Yeah, but I meant like-
Andre: What you guys talking about?
Anya and Chenoa: Nothing.
Tan Yan: How Chenoa should act. That's what they're talking about.
Andre: Is that a girl thing?
Chenoa: I'm going to go crash the car now. *Gets up*
Tan Yan: Then how will we get to the B&B?
Chenoa: I won't actually crash it, Tan. *walks out, gets into car and hits head repeatedly on the steering wheel before exiting*
Andre; What was that about?
Anya: Oh... Just some confusion.
Andre: Mhmmm?
Tan Yan: Ohh! I get it now! She likes him, right?
Anya:*Facepalms herself* Did you have to say that outloud?
Tan Yan: I wasn't meant too? Ohh... It's a secret. Right....
Anya: And you just blew it!
Tan Yan: How was I suppose to know she liked this weirdo?
Andre: Still here.
Anya: Yup. Sorry. I'm just going to check on C. *Leaves*
Tan Yan: Ummmm.....So ummm.... How.... ummm... old are you?
Andre: 12. 13 next year.
Tan Yan: K. When's your birthday?
Andre: 18 Feb.
Tan Yan: Oh... Umm... Have you listened to at least one HU song?
Andre: HU?
Tan Yan: Hollywood Undead.
Andre: Oh. Yeah.. "We are"...
Tan Yan: Good. C likes Johnny Three Tears, He's the one with the blue mask with the butterfly and the number 3.
Andre: I know.
Tan Yan: Oh... (pauses) Did you know his real name is George? *Starts laughing hysterically*
Andre: O....kay.
Tan Yan: It's okay. And I'm not even the crazy one. You should see Chenoa and Raph at their craziest.
-Phone rings-
Tan Yan: *Answers* Did she crash?
C: Have a little faith, will ya?
Tan Yan: Damn it. I wish you were in a mother-potato grave.
C: Gee, Thanks Tan Yan.

-Back with Raph and no one-

Raph: I'm in NZ. When I find those bastards I will make sure we. GO. TO. AUSTRALIA.

-With Adele-

Adele: *Pets pandas* Hello panda! *Sleeps on a panda in the panda enclosure*


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