t w o | lilith

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n/a : i didn't know what to put as the image so i went with one of my most favourite dramione fan arts as the cover.  i wish i could get in touch with any artists who could make a beautiful drawing of lilith for me. if you're reading and you're interesting contact me ASAP :]

I sigh heavily as I look into the mirror in my dorm room . A brush in one hand and a very plain and ill fitting dress in the other. It was coated in a glamorous shade of midnight blue. It might have looked cheap but it was still awfully clean.

My eyes meet the sticky note that is stuck on the right hand corner of the mirror. I knew I hadn't put it there because this day was a day I was actively trying to forget. I reach my dainty little fingers to it and I pull it towards me the note reads.

"Can't Wait, It's Finally Parents Day; A Day I haven't been able to sleep!."

Parent's Day, something they started in my 2nd Year at Hogwarts. Mcgonagall created this day to reunite children with their families. Parents Day felt like Christmas Day for most children who couldn't function without seeing their parents at least once a day . I didn't mind it at first, in fact I used to be one of the kids who would sprint into the arms of their mum and dad. A gleeful, giddy expression would always mask my face. My smile stretching from ear to ear I would wrap my arms around my father or at least, my father figure.

But this year would be different not because of the decor, not because of the new number of families. This year would be the first time that Hermione and Draco would be coming in for Parents Day. But not for me, but for their other separate children. Hermione would pass through the common room of Gryffindor with Rose Granger-Weasley and Draco would do the same in the Slytherin Dungeons with Scorpious.

It hurt my head thinking that I had to watch them both spend all their precious time with two separate brats instead of me, their real daughter.

The door suddenly creeks and a figure stands tall at the door frame. I look down at their reflection.

"May I help you?" I say soft spoken

The person steps foward "It's Rose"

I turn around "Yeah?" I say in a aggressive manner

"Do you still have it, the locket that m-, our mum gave us"

The locket, one of the only parts of my birth mum that I still had.

I smirk "Maybe I do , Maybe I don't"

Rose opens her hand pointing at her palm, her face begins to shrivel up.

"I need it, It's important to me and for my outfit. Our mum gave it to me for my birthday"

I turn around harshley the tears in my eyes start to well up. Our mum, more like her mum. It was apparent that Hermione had taught her daughter to accept me as their own. But I could or never would stoop as low as becoming a Weasley.

" No need to say Our Rose, she doesn't belong to me" I wiped away the single loose tear on my wooly cashmere sweater.

The locket always resided in my breast pocket, it was almost like my lucky charm. When I felt scared and alone the rustic silver was almost like a relief. But In life letting things go is the only way to relieve the human heart of ache. And letting Hermione's locket go might be the remedy to my everlasting pain. The locket in a way represented her. She was something that I yearned desperately for basically all my life.

I hand over the locket placing it gently inside Rose's hand, I close her palm as I lay my hand on top of hers.

Rose looks up at me with a puzzled expression "Lilith you said that Mum wasn't yours, what do you mean by that?"

I took in a shallow intake of breath as I tried to fight back the last remaining tears that were still left in my system.

"Nevermind Rose, I'll tell you one day. For now enjoy today you tosspot" I say softly as I bring Rose into a lovingly sister-like embrace.

A small smile emerges on my face. A feeling of relief begins to fill my body, pouring in like a rushing waterfall. A weight, A pain was now being lifted off my shoulders and for once I felt happiness, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

I look proudly into the mirror, my half sister still in my embrace.

Nothing Was going to ruin this day


 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now