f i v e | draco

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- Draco's POV

Misrable. That could be one way to describe the atmosphere of the room after Hermione and I's harsh fracas. I stand still in mear sorrow after Hermione had left the spot she was standing in, my hand running through my hair constantly in frustration and anger. I didn't want this, for us to fight and drift even further apart. But I just felt to much anger for her that I couldn't contain in my meek heart anymore.

Pansy taps my shoulder "What!" I hawk in fury

"I was just going to ask you what you were going to do" Pansy remarks stupidly

I turn around as I glare at her I throw my hands up, the annoyance had finally got the best of me  " You tell me Pansy, do you have a solution?"

Pansy looks up at me, a stumped expression canvases her face, I step away and I head towards the drinks table.

I look around, what's a good drink that could help to wash away or at least help me to forget the events that had just occurred.

An untouched bottle of rum suddenly comes into my eyeview, a poison so sweet it could kill. A parent had obviously sneaked it in ; McGonagall was defiently not a heavy drinker.

I scope out the area looking to my right and to my left and then I pounce reaching over the table to snatch the bottle.

I had hit a new low, drinking to suppress my emotions? what had I become.

I drag myself towards a lone stairwell that was out of sight of the others,  the last thing I wanted was to make a drunken fool out of myself. 

I begin to nurse the bottle ; gulping it down like it was my only resource for survival.  It was like the dark rum  turned down the volume of my own thoughts. I was in my own world and in that moment nobody mattered. Past memories, both bad and good flood my brain and all of them had Granger in the leading role. 

"Drinking, it won't solve your problems" 

I'm broken out of my compelling trans by a soft murmur from the entryway of the stairwell. I look up to see Luna Lovegood practically staring right into my soul. 

"Loon-, Luna Lovegood. what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing Draco,  you look very defeated".  Defeated, yeah that was one way of putting it.  She approaches me and meets me at eye level by sitting on the bottom steps. 

"You still love her, don't you?" Luna exclaims, I look down at her in confusion. 

She smirks; wide-eyed and bright. " You see, I saw the way you looked at her as she walked away. You were in pain Draco.  She was the only person who showed you true love, and when you hurt her you destroyed any chance of her loving you again." 

A sharp ingrown pain begins to attack my chest area,  It might've been the after effect of the rum but it felt like I had just been slapped with the cold hand of truth.  I stand as my head begins to fog and my lips tremble. 

"I don't love her Lovegood, I'm married with a son and she's with Weasley. That's how it's always been...that's how it always will be" I murmur. 

She gets up and moves one step closer  " You two are connected by the soul, a knot that can't be untied. You'll always be bound to each other forever.  Nothing can break the soul bond between twin flames, No matter the distance the universe will always bring you closer" 

Luna was right, I couldn't deny it. For all the years I and Granger stayed away from one another I felt like there was always something missing from my life. I woke up everyday with the same grim facial expression on my face. I loved Astoria, but the love I tell myself I feel for her could never top the way I felt about that bushy brown haired girl the first time I set eyes on her.  

That was love, That was true love.  

 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now