t w e l v e | draco

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She lays stiff on the ground, there was no sign of life in her eyes.

Blood trickles from the back of her head as a tear slips from her eye, slowly cascading down her face. Heavy rainfall soon proceeded as raindrops shower all around us, catching on my eyelashes while I stared up to the tall demon before me. He considered me with murky, bloodshot eyes, as he stood from where she laid.

"I'm sorry" her shattered voice cries out.

I look back at her, my fists ball up as I charge towards her direction.


Down, I fall on my knees. Soon after, I fall on my backside as I cry in excruciating pain. I feel as though all my organs have began to turn inside out, I grip on for dear life, I was going to die.

The man walks to my side, bending down he cackles as he looks into my eyes.

"Your father was right about you dear Draco, you really are a coward. Did you really fall in love with a mud blood?, how pathetic !" he taunts.

He stands, as he points his wand at Hermione while he stares at me.

Our eyes connect one last time, the joy in her's had faded, her chocolate brown orbs only reflected her fear. I attempt to muster enough breath to try and plead for her life but all that came out was my shrilling scream from the torture of the Cruciatus Curse.

I feel the light thud of an inanimate object hit my head, I open one eye slowly to see Astoria's disgruntled face staring right back at me. I shake my head as I groan inwardly, that dream felt all to real to be fake.

"Draco !" Astoria hisses, "I've been calling your name for about 10 whole minutes now, you're going to be late".

"Late for what exactly ?" I say in a mundane tone as I get up from my bed.

She angrily shoves a paper from the Ministry in my face, ordering me to sit, as she tries to comb my hair the best she can.

"I want you to try at that job again, at the Ministry, as an Auror. I love you, but you know we can't live off your father's money forever" she implied as she tugged at my hair.

As much as I hated her constant tumultuous nagging, she was still right. I didn't want to be a shadow of my cruel father, or any of my ancestors that came before him. I wanted to be better, greater, more understanding. I wanted to be the father my own 'dad' could never be for me.

"I don't think the Auror position is suited for me. Besides, why would I want to work in a contained office space with Potter as my manager and Granger judging me all day." I say pessimistically as I scrunch the paper she had given me, she rolls her eyes as she stops brushing my blonde curls.

"Why would her opinion matter to you, that Granger girl has got less skill then an oaf when it comes to Dark Arts. She might've been the smartest witch of her age at Hogwarts, but now she's as deluded as her husband " Astoria mocks maliciously.

Usually, when she took digs at Granger I never used to mind it, but suddenly I felt pent up anger coursing through me and I didn't know why. I get up as I walk away furiously from where she had sat me, she looks back at me with a bewildered expression on her face.

I did not have love for the brunette, but she was still the mother to my child, she was still a big part of my life and I simply couldn't forget that.

As I enter my dining room hall an owl flies in from the window, it carries a letter in it's beak. Landing on my chair it drops the letters at my feet. I scoff, these owls were getting less incompetent as each year passed. The owl the proceeds to ruffle it's feathers as it turned it's back, I bend down to pick up the letter it had dropped as I read its address.

I recognised that cursive print from anywhere, this was from Hogwarts. But why would Hogwarts be sending a letter in the middle of winter before the school term ended. I knew it was not for another reunion, and I definitely knew it couldn't be Scorpious's progress report. I feel my hands tremble, I quickly rush to sit down.

What if she got him, my son. This might be it, the letter to tell me that my dear boy had succumbed to that evil loon's reign of terror. She had shown through her callous acts that she could not care less to spare the 1st Year's lives. I tear open the letter with force as I read it's contents, looking for clues I try and bear myself for the worst but I soon realise the worst was never going to come.

The letter wasn't about Scorpius, It was Lilith, she had written a personal letter to me. It shocked me at first, as Lilith hadn't written to me since she was 13. I calm myself down as I read the letter to myself again, starting from the beginning.

Dear Draco, it began.

A sentimental, yet rather distasteful greeting, I sigh as I scratch my head. Why doesn't she call me her father anymore, what did I do?.

the second line answers my question, I thought Dad would do, she writes.

but you haven't been my father since the day you gave me away.

I skip most of what she has to say after this, most of her letter was her bragging about her academic accomplishments, she sounded just like Granger.

But one sentence catches my eye, her last paragraph, I read again closely. I put my hand over the top of my mouth as I stare with shock, how could she be so stupid.

I run my hands through my hair as I mumble curses to myself repeatedly.

Lilith had made friends with Delphi Diggory, she was in her grasp. Soon that poisonous girl would take advantage of her, maim her, kill her in cold blood. I knew the mind of people like her all to well, I was forced to grow up amongst dark wizards all my life.

My adrenaline then kicks in. I rush quickly to the phone, dialling the number of the only girl who could help, the only person who could stop all of this.

"Granger, Granger !" I scream into the phone, the line cuts, and I dial again urgently.

I press the phone against my ear as I wait for a response, Granger answers the call.

"Granger, I need your help. It's Lilith she sent an owl from Hogwarts. Granger, Delphi's got Lilith wrapped around her finger" I wait for her to say something as I bite my finger nail anxiously.

Someone does respond, but it's not her. The disembodied voice menacing cackle echos slightly as he chants a tune into the phone line.

"I've got her, I've got the mudblood" he brings the phone closer, her blood curdling scream projects through the phone as she pleads for her life.

"Bring me Potter, or she dies"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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