s e v e n | hermione

19 0 2

I pat my forehead gently as I try to soothe the tension of an incoming migraine. For 6  hours I had sat in the same position at my desk, wads of crumbled up parchment paper with my wasted ideas surrounded my workspace as evidence of my frustration.

" You're still up?" Ron  stood at the foot of the doorway with a mug of hot chocolate in his hand , he walks towards my desk and places it next to me.

" The Ministry wants me to work on a case for a wronged house elf. I thought I could do this but-"

"You're Hermione Granger" Ron chuckled slightly " You can do anything,  They gave you the job for a reason" I turn my head as I smiled with gratitude.

As Ron pulled up his chair next to mine I lean in and hug him, tight. I didn't want to let him go. He was like the anchor that always prevented me from drifting ashore , and for that I would always be eternally grateful.

" You'll never guess what I heard today !" Ron remarks as I pull away from our hug. Since Ron worked  in the Auror's branch at The Ministry I knew whatever he had to say must've just been gossip ; it always was .

"Go on" I say in complacent tone, " Draco, he's only gone an applied to work as an Auror ; can you believe that !. If you ask me he definitely lacks the prowess to get the position".

That name still sent chills down my spine. Since the incident at Parents Day a couple months back his name had never been uttered around me.  But now, I felt like a floodgate of past memories had just been opened ; a healing wound now left to blister. And yes, I knew that I could not control where Draco goes or what he did; But Draco Malfoy an Auror? That was all to unnatural to me.

I groan inwardly "That's really none of our business is it Ron?, If he wants to make a mockery of himself then that will be Astoria's problem.  He's always been a man who does things before thinking"

I press my lips in a straight line as I try and think of a way to retract my last statement I could tell by Ron's expression that he knew I meant more by what I had said.

" What about Lilith?" Ron remarks
"What about her-" I hesitate, I look down and pick up a couple pieces of the parchment I'd thrown on the floor.

" Don't you want to know how she's doing? If she's alive or dead? It's been 6 months Hermione ; you haven't even sent her an owl-" Ron retorted, his giddy expression soon turned to annoyance. I did not feel like having this argument for the 50th time, but if it would shut him up I was gladly ready to protest.

"Every time I walk back into  that girls life all I do is cause her more heartache. She's 17 and has a lot of other things she cares about ; She doesn't need me" My voice quivers slightly as I try and refrain myself from getting emotional.

" And how do you know that?" Ron questions "You never talk to her, you haven't talk to her in half a year."

My patience had slightly run out, I felt myself get agitated.  I stand up from my chair quickly as I head for the door Ron followed suit and stood behind me. I turn around a stare him dead in the eyes "Ronald, just drop it ! " I shrill in frustration " We'll talk about it in the morning"

Ron simply rolled his eyes and walked away, he was disappointed; and I couldn't blame him. I knew he had my best interest at heart but Lilith was not his child, she was mine ; mine and Draco's.  And with all the love I had for her I knew deep down she would be better off without us perturding into her life whenever we wanted.  Lilith needed stability and I couldn't provide that

She deserved better

 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now