f o u r | hermione

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i freeze on the spot , my muscles so stiff I feel as if i'd been petrified again. the beady eyes of every guest , of every parent and even McGonagall are permanently fixated on me. I use Ron as my human shield as a way to deflect myself from any embarrassment I'd caused. Ron scratches his head nervously as both he and I shuffle to a dark corner of the Hall as we became dazed from what had just happened.

"Ron, Hermione over here" I hear a little but recognisable murmur call my name

I look up in relief. It was Harry and his son James who were sat at the tail end of the Gryffindor table. Ron traipses behind me as I sit next to Harry.

I smile nervously as I play with my ring "what a way to make an entrance" I joke

Harry chuckles "your telling me everyone was so intrigued by you, especially Draco"

I feel my stomach go queasy when he says that. It was like all the memories came back to me like a hot flash. After two years of agreeing to never speak of one another again I would finally see him face to face, the jackass who destroyed my life.

I tap my fingers on the table in a continuous motion as I feel my heart beat to the same rhythm. Ron places his hand on top of mine.

"What's bothering you" he asks with concern

That was a question I couldn't answer because I had no idea. A million and one things were rushing through my head and I didn't know where to start.

As the lights begin to turn back on the hall erupts into a loud ruckus of tumultuous hollering and children and adults alike running around.

I fix my dress as I warily look around the area; so many faces and I still couldn't see him anywhere.

"Mum.." I hear the faint hoarse voice of Rose I had forgotten to sit with her, and so had Ron.

"Oh Rosie" I pull her into my grasp as I give her a apology hug. The pink in her cheeks begins to turn a dangerous shade of red. She pushes me back "Stop" I never knew I had the the embarrassing mum trait until now.

"I just wanted to ask where you were, a-and if you've seen Lilith" it had just hit me in that moment, in that second. I was supposed to be here for Lilith as well. A pictographic memory of the invite i had gotten played loops in my brain like a broken record.

I didn't respond to her for a good few minutes then I snapped back "Uh of course?"
Rose raises an eyebrow then she rolls her eyes " You never saw here mum. You can't lie for the life of you. "

I take Rose's hand "show me the Gryffindor common room Rosie , I haven't seen it in ages" I rush out of the area in a speed of light, the adrenaline pumping in my body. But as 'fate' would have it I'm suddenly in a cluster of people who had gathered around the stairs. And guess who was standing right in the middle of it all..

Draco Malfoy

I sternly glare at him as he stands with Pansy and Goyle. Nothing about him had changed, his personality was still as awful as his heart. "Granger!, Good Ol' Granger" he bellows with amusement "I had no idea you would be here".

"I used to go to school here you remember?" I say with frustration

"Of course I do, you always lingered about like a bad smell. You couldn't get enough of me-"

My fists ball up with anger, I feel myself getting angrier by the minute I hadn't felt this mad in years.

Even in our older age he still acted like a school boy.    Maybe it was a mask for how he actually felt inside, he had a way for pretending to be one thing and then completely changing  his persona's the next.

 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now