n i n e | hermione

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I sat across from Harry in his living room, Ron sitting next to me, Ginny on my other side. We were still in shock, not one of us had said anything for the past ten minutes. I put my coffee mug down as I pivot to Harry's direction. Lost for words I take in a sharp intake of breath, my palms beginning to feel sweaty.

" Harry, it can't be true can it?" I say with panic in my voice. Harry had gotten up from his chair and he had began to pace around his living room.

"Hermione, what better explanation could there be for everything that's going on !" Harry picks up a copy of the Daily Prophet as he reads it out loud.

'Muggleborn Murders at Hogwarts - New Heir of Slytherin? '

Ginny quickly rushed to try and calm Harry as he began to touch his forehead with unbearable pain . the last time I had seen Harry like this was just before Lord Voldemort's demise; it scared me.I quickly stand to my feet as I go outside for air, all this new information had become to much for me to handle and I needed some time to internally process it. I aimlessly wander outside the Potter's small patio twirling my wand in between my fingers as I try and recollect my thoughts.

"Heir of Slytherin-" I mumble silently under my breath " There hasn't been one since-"

"Tom Riddle?" the gruff and almost disembodied voice of someone emerges from my right shoulder in the distance. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, wand at the ready, I quickly turn as I point it in the direction of where the sound had come from. I was ready to hex whoever was behind me, I couldn't risk getting hurt.

I soon lower my wand to my chest when I realise who it was. His eyes still had the same perfect shade of winter grey to them, they were cloudy skies, they were quarry rocks, how did I not notice them before. "Draco who let you in, how did you get in here?" I ask hastily Draco rolls his eyes as he points his index finger towards the open gate which lead to Harry and Ginny's garden.

" Shame Potter and his wife don't know how gate door's work" he smirks . He walks closer to where I was standing, his grey orbs connecting with mine, he takes a hold of the top of my wand and slowly guides my hand down to my side.

I quickly let go, as I turn back to go inside the house Draco follows my lead. "You can't come in, Malfoy-" I say warily, I could see Harry's daughter peeking from her bedroom window.

Draco looks up to the little girl and gives her a impromptu wave with an unnatural smile. He then looks at me " I guess you've seen the papers. The Heir of Slytherin, the one who has been killing and petrifing muggleborns. Don't you want to know who it is?"I nod my head, motioning him to continue," he has a daughter Hermione, he has an offspring who holds the same power inside her as her fallen father. She can speak parseltounge and she goes to Hogwarts." he takes out a photograph from his trouser pocket.

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I had expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. It couldn't be her could it?, I had heard rumours of her existence but they seemed like nothing more then well, rumours. I look up in disbelief as I run my hand through my hair, a shock numb feeling running corset through my body.

"It's her" I say, my voice now hoarse

" Lord Voldemort's Daughter"

 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now