e i g h t | draco

16 0 3

I sit alone and bored in an empty waiting room, just outside the courtroom. My only source of company is my reflection that had been mirroring off from the glass wall. In a fit of annoyance I angrily pace towards where reception was as I bang my fist on the desk.

"Is there anyone in this bloody office?" I spat harshly. There was no answer for a good few minutes, just dead white noise and the prolonged echos of people who were down the corridor.
Had I come in on the weekend? Was it closing hours? I look to my watch as I read the time under my breath

"12:39 AM" I say in a disgruntled tone

As I begin to walk away a rather frail but poise redhead approaches with a cluster of papers in her grasp. Her demeanour suggested she was frustrated or inwardly agitated.

She moves loose hair from her face as she sat and began to type on her device.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Auror's branch is?" I inquire

"I think you're lost Mr.Malfoy" she insists sarcastically

It was in that moment I realised who I was talking to. I should've guessed by her ginger maine and her unprofessional work ethic.

" Weasel-Junior, I should've known. Don't you play quidditch?; what are you doing sat behind a desk in a fine establishment like this" I imply with a smirk

Weasley looks up, her quick fixed glare so deadly it could kill.

" This is temporary- just filling in for one of the other staff, she's on maternity leave" she takes off her glasses and raises her eyebrow

"Did I hear you say you were looking for the Auror's branch? are you looking to report a-"

"I want to become one, an Auror" I declare with pride.

Ginny stares with a blank expression, "you an Auror?, do you know the skill quality it possess?, especially in Dark Arts?. I'm not one to judge, but are you sure you want to go for something so intensive and high brow"

I roll my eyes at her comment " It can't be that hard if Potter and Weasel-Bee got the job and besides, Astoria has been nagging me to find work so I decided to try out."

I could tell she was looking for the right words to say to spite me or to discourage me. She hands me a slip of paper "Level 2, it's the main division of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement ".  She pauses she stands and comes towards my direction.

Her eyes soften "You're not doing this to get closer to her are you?" she whispers

"To who?" I question

Weaslette grins as she gives me a friendly pat on the shoulder. I had no idea what she was trying to insinuate, I had one objective, I wanted a job.

Ginny rushes to her desk as the phone rings and she gestures me to leave the room.

As I walk out I try and pick apart Ginny's statement in my mind.

Who was this girl, why would I want to get close to her?

I had not felt admiration for any other women since my marriage to Astoria. She was the women I loved.

                                                                                      ˚ ✶ ⁺ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅: ♡ :]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⁺ ✶˚

Lost in my own thoughts I round a corner, and my eyes meet the face of a person I knew all to well. She was in the middle of
an argument with an older dishevelled man.

I hide behind a wall peeking out a bit so I could overhear the heating conversation

'How dare you question me, accuse me-
you know nothing !'

Knowing Granger she must have started it, she had a way and a rather natural gift for making people feel inadequate.

"I saw !" she spat "Were you, or were you not planning the attack of a group of muggles answer the question !" she pulls her wand out and holds it to his throat, the unidentifiable man surrenders but he reaches down to his pocket to get a grip of something. His wand, he was going to attack her.

" Expelliarmus! "

Hermione dodges as she pushes the assailant to the floor. What was once an innocent argument had now turned into a duel. The man stood to his feet, he draws his wand again for round two but Granger was already two steps ahead of him. She picks up her wand and goes for the attack.

"Stupefy !"

As she stands over the unconscious body of her attacker, she looks to her right; spotting me at an instant. Knowing I could not hide forever I walk towards her as she cowers away.

"Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop" she scoffed.

"Let me help"  I insist as I pull my wand from my coat pocket.  Hermione is hesitant at first but she moves aside as I crouch towards the man's body.

I place my wand at the temple of his head


When I stand to my feet, Hermione pulls me aback she looks down at the man then back at me, panic reflected in her chocolate brown eyes.

"What the hell-, what did you just do!" she hisses

" I think the words you're looking for are thank you" I dust myself off and take her by the hand, moving her away from the scene of the 'crime'.

"Yeah-, s-sorry " She stammers "I should get going, Ron's waiting for me" her flushed cheeks began to turn a violent shade of rosy red as she quickly took her hand away from mine.  Even in our older age she still was the same,  except she had finally let me go.

I start to feel my heart palpitate uncontrollably as we shake hands, a feeling that felt to unnatural to me. warmth ran corset through my veins, all I thought of in that moment was her. I hadn't felt this way about her since Hogwarts, since our relationship, since Lilith. 

My mind begins to fuzz as I become dazed,  "Bye, Draco !" Granger quickly shouts as she dashes away.  Was I dreaming or was that the first friendly interaction we had shared since 1996. 

I pick up my briefcase and I walk towards the exit of the building 

Thinking about the brunette the whole damn time.

 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now