t h r e e | lilith

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n/a: be prepared ladies n gents this chapter is long, grab a snack , get cozy and enjoy !

I walked into a lavishly-set hall, the Grand hall was almost unrecognisable. The tables had been disguised with a beautiful eggshell coloured table cloth. On each table a dimly lit candle had been placed to capitulate a sort of 'homely' feeling.

Tiny hand made placeholder cards had been made for each parent and student. They were each colour coded to their appropriate houses. I slowly slip from my peering spot as I make my way towards the Gryffindor table, being fully aware that a prefect could jump out and report me for snooping at any moment.

I scavenge my way through each seat, turning over every single card that was set. I finally face mine. Right at the front, the tiny card painted with the iconic Scarlett and Red was placed ever so neatly on the table.

"Lilith Malfoy-Quimby" I whisper with relief

For once in my 7 years at Hogwarts they'd finally gotten my name correct. I slowly turn around to face the other card on my right, expecting it to be my beloved mother Allison or my caring father John. But alas, they had made a mistake once again. I hold the card up in my eye view, a stray tear from my encounter with Rose makes it debut again as it slowly rolls down my hollow cheek.

"Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley; Gryffindor Alumni, Mother of Rose Granger-Weasley and Lilith Malfoy" I murmur softly as my voice begins to turn hoarse.

I felt my hands shake, I wasn't scared, I was enraged. I crumble the paper up as I slowly set it down on the fire; my pout turning into a grin.

One of the Ravenclaw prefects spots me in my heinous act. She pushes me out of the way and begins to stamp repeatedly over the piece of paper until it's flames had been jaded.

"What In God's name did you think you were doing, you could've burnt this whole place down." she whines as she picks up the remains of the paper that hadn't burnt out.

"I won't say much, I won't say who I am. But I will say this. Hermione isn't and will never be my mother in any circumstance . My mother is Allison Quimby and my name is Lilith Malfoy Quimby. I was just stating a fact of frustration. Hermione's not my mum and Draco's not my dad" I cross my arms and I look down at my shoes as I mumble the last verse of my speech. As I slowly lift my head up the prefect looks at me in a weird way.

"We were just following McGonagall's orders, she stated we had to follow what was written when students were enrolled at Hogwarts. You were put down with both parents being Hermione and Draco with Allison and John Quimby being your primary caregivers"

She walks me out of the Grand Hall and points me to the direction of the entrance to the school.

"Parents Day starts now, If I was you I would pull yourself together and join in on the enjoyment. I know about your story, almost everyone does by now. I'll change the place holders for Allison and John." She smiles at me as she makes a 'shoo' gesture.

I walked towards the crowds of students standing at the entrance of the castle as the doors were dramatically opened. Out came an overflow of parents, some recognizable faces and others that were totally fresh. I try to swim my way past the thousands of parents that had now swarmed and invaded the castle.

I walk further to try and find mum and dad; had they forgotten the date? .

"Lils, Oh my sweet Lils!" a familiar voice squeaks

"Mum!" I jumped into the arms of my mother, who even at her sort of old age could still uphold the weight of a 17-year old girl.

I examined how much she had changed from the period I hadn't seen her. Her hair was no longer in a messy tied up bun, but instead she had let her hair down and she had trimmed it to her shoulders. Her glasses didn't have the little smear at the side like they used to, they were polished and were so clean you could clean fine china on them.

 ゛✎  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋 !   ➛  dramione Where stories live. Discover now