Fight for me

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SJ took one last look in the mirror, both sets of dog tags glinted in the sun, she's packed her bags and got in the car, Georgie squeezed SJ's hand "it will be okay." SJ smiled nervously as Georgie's reassurance.
They got in the army flying wing and fingers hugged his mini Elvis. Again she fell asleep on the plane, monk nudged her "SJ baby, wake up, we're here" SJ awoke and saw Georgie was heading off with King and the new head of corporal.
As 2 section headed off the plane SJ slipped her hand into fingers "it's okay SJ don't panic" he says as he could see the fear in her eyes.
         When they unpacked they headed to get scoff, SJ just played with the food on her plate. Her leg was shaking, monk placed a hand on her knees "SJ baby come on, I think we should go ." Flobber came up behind SJ "eya babe I'm sorry your dad got blown up" SJ just stared at him "real smooth flobber real smooth" monk said "what I was trying to be nice" then SJ heard a soldier sniggerand turned it was the same soldier that mocked her dad "what?" She spat at him "daddy dearest got blown up" SJ went for him but fingers pulled her away "Ooo the cat has claws" he mocked. "Let me go fingers! Let me go!" She said trying to escape fingers hitting his arm. Fingers pulled her away. "Let me fight him, he deserves it!" Fingers shook his head "I can't let you do that" he replied. "Then fight for me" she responded them stormed off fingers went to go after her but monk stopped him "let her cool off" monk said "I promised Marie & Grace" fingers replied "Marie & Grace? You mean Georgie's mum & sister?" Monk puzzled "yeah me and Marie are kind of a thing." Fingers answered "what sort of thing?" Monk questioned
"I asked her to marry me before we left.." fingers replied and monk smiled "what did she say?" Fingers looked at him "yes.." monk gave him a hug "you are well & truly Whipped" fingers gave a goofy smile.
   Kingy knocked on SJ's tent  she stood up "at ease miss Harte" he came close and put a hand on her shoulder "I'm sorry, I couldn't attend the funeral." SJ nodded "I just want my dad back "I just want him back Kingy"  Kingy pulled her into an embrace "it's okay SJ it's okay" they let go and SJ wiped her tears "we're all here for you SJ, and we always will be"
SJ looked up at him "please don't make promises you can't keep"

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