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"whatever happened to our love?
i wish i understood."
- sos

third person
📍 alvor, portugal
july 21st, 2017

the young women paced around the living room. her phone tightly pressed to her ear as she mumbled inaudible words.

her best friend sat on the dining table. her eyes filled with no emotion as she just stared at the wall

the room was silent. too silent.
every sound that was made seemed to be a curse.

"raven! stop!" noa finally cried out as she looked her best friend in the eye for the first time today.

raven stopped pacing around and hung up the phone.

"please just stop!" noa continues to cry.
"he's gone! he left! he's not picking up, he's not getting any stupid groceries or went for a quick drive! he fucking left me, and h-he won't come back. so please, for god's sake, stop acting like he will walk through the door any minute!" unstoppable sobs escaped noa's lips as her cheeks were soaked in tears.

raven rushed to her side and held her tightly in her arms as she softly stroked her back.

"i can't believe he would do that.. he loves you mirah." raven spoke.

"does he? it surely doesn't seem that way. how could he- how could he do that after last night... after he told me he loved me, after playing me our song, after telling me that he picked specifically last night, after he made love to m-me. he told me he'd always be there for me!" she hiccuped and sucked her bottom lip under her teeth.


"h-he told me he loves me! he told me all night!
a-and now he's gone! he just left as if it was nothing, he left me laying in bed, tangled in the sheets he told me all those things in! he didn't even talk to me about it, he just grabbed his things and left."

"i'm so sorry! i can't imagine what it has to feel like.. you deserve so much better! i promise you, you'll find true love, zamirah." raven tried to calm her best friend.

noa's heart shattered even further. she smiled when she woke up that day, tangled in the messy white sheets that were contained with his scent. she couldn't wait to run her hands through his hair again. she couldn't wait to feel his soft lips on her skin again. she couldn't wait until she would hear his sweet voice whispering in her ear again.

she thought that he'd made breakfast for her. she thought that he would walk in with that stupid grin of his any second. when she walked downstairs to find nothing but utter silence she grew confused.
he probably went out to get some groceries, she thought to herself.

the giddy and warm feeling that she wore in her stomach all morning disappeared the second she realized that he wouldn't return. his clothes were gone. his guitar was gone. his camera wasn't laying on the kitchen island. the only thing left from his was his blue toothbrush next to her pink one.
he had left her. he was gone.
but the memories and the painful ache in her heart would stay forever.

"b-but i felt like i found my true love in him! he left me on my fucking birthday, raven! who does that? how could i trust him so easily? how could i open up to him, love him? i should've known. i should've known he wanted this for fun, so he could be distracted from his real life." noa dried her tears with her hands as she sat up and took a deep breath.

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