Pick Up.

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As Ashton was already late for band practice, I insisted that I walked home as it was only around a 20 minute walk.

"Are you sure? It will only take me 10 minutes to drive to yours?"Ashton asked as he locked his flat.

"Positive. It's not raining and Luke's going to be even more mad if you take me home." I half laughed.

"Well, first...It looks like it's about to rain and second who actually gives a fuck what Luke thinks." Ashton smiled cheekily.

"Well I'm sure you don't, considering you won't have to listen to him ranting about it all night." I pointed out.

"You do have a point." He agreed..

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Ashton asked.

"Go. I promise I'll text you if I need you." I said giving his cheek a small kiss.

I desended down the drive, scrolling through my music and pushing my earphones firmly in my ears.

When I had walked around 15 minutes I was confused as to why I hadn't seen anything familiar and why I hadn't passed the town centre.

I quickly tugged my phone from my pocket and went on the maps app.

I cursed loudly as I found out I had been walking in the wrong direction for about 20 minutes.

I swiftly turned back and headed in the direction I had just come from.

As Fireproof was blasting through my ears I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out to find a message from Ash.

From: Ash
Are you home?x

To: Ash
No. I walked in the wrong direction x

From: Ash
You absolute spoon. Do you want me to come and get you?x

To: Ash
No Luke will get mad x

From: Ash
Please let me x

To: Ash
Nopeee! You can only come and collect me if it's absolutely pouring down with rain x

From: Ash
Okay x

Around 10 minutes after my conversation with Ashton had ended it started to pour down.

I cursed before running down the pavement towards the town. Once I had reached the entrance of the town all of my clothes were drenched and my hair was dripping. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I tugged it out of my wet and uncomfortable jeans.

From: Ash
Can I come and get you now?x

To: Ash
But I'm already drenched x

From: Ash
I don't care. What street you on?x

I quickly typed in the street name and waited in the entrance of tescos.

About 5 minutes later Ash pulled up and ushered me into his car quickly.

"I brought you a blanket because I thought you would be freezing." He smiled as he reached into the back.

"Thank you." I returned the smile as I wrapped the warm blanket around my body.

"Why didn't you text me?" He asked.

"I didn't want to bother you or interrupt the practice." I shrugged.

"You'd never bother me." He mumbled.

"What did you tell the boys?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Just that I was picking up a friend." He shrugged.

"Okay good." I breathed.

"I don't get why we're sneaking around, it's not like we're doing anything bad." He sighed as he pulled up to my house.

"It's just easier." I mumbled.

"I'll see you soon." I said as I kissed Ashton's cheek and got out of his car.


hey guys! I really love when you give me feedback on who you like and don't like or just generally how you're liking the book. So keep commenting :)



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