Chapter 1

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And the cycle repeats. It is what you believe would be a very simple life. But this is only before you turned 5. Everything changed the week after you had you fifth birthday with your parents. Not really a simple family as you would believe.

Mother fought in the Great War. She was a fighter as well as a doctor, specially trained to use what she can to heal the injured. Father is a boss. More specifically a Mafia Boss. The Mafia Boss of the five looming towers in Yokohama. I don't know how they met, though I can theorize but that takes too much brain power. That's very ironic though, I seem to like puzzles.

There is this power called Ability in the world. Less than 10% chance of a person getting an ability, it's quite rare. Yokohama seems to hold many Ability users or Gifted as others would call them. Mother and Father both have an Ability. Mother's Ability is called The Winds of Winter. Allows her to manipulate water and wind to a cold temperature and turn it into ice.

Father's Ability is an annoying one. The Demised Seal, allowing him to lock up their target up and seal their Ability, making keys that could be given to other people. He can also manipulate chains.

I don't know if I have an Ability yet. It somewhat irks my parents and home carer.


It's been a week after my birthday. I'm now in metal cuffs, chained to the wall. I have counted and also believe it has only been an hour since my Father took me out of my room and chained me here.

Yesterday my Mother told me that I was going to stay with my Father for the next few years. Even though Father lived at home, he also lived at his work place. I think it's because he is the Boss of that place and quite busy, he has to have somewhere to sleep there.

My parents believe I'm some sort of genius. They love to test me with certain things and because I was so bored, I learnt how to read and write both hiragana and English as well as lip reading. I've always been very observant with things, maybe that's why I've practically mastered lip reading. I think they forgot I'm very observant and quite smart. I definitely think something is going on if I'm being transferred to live with my father who is a mafia boss. Now I'm stuck in chains while my father told me he will get me out of here later. Something is wrong, terribly wrong and I don't like it.

Four hours later

I have now counted 5 hours since I got stuck in here. Father still has not come. My stomach has not stopped grumbling for past 10 minutes and it's annoying. I wonder how long I have to wait. I can't sleep.

Five hours later

Father has come and opened the door. Instead of unchaining me, he just gave me some bread and told me this is all part of my training, then left. I tried to call him back but my voice is too parched. I ate the bread but was not enough, my stomach still rumbles.

?? hours later

I don't know how long I've been here now. Father came a few visits before only to see how I was going. He comes back with fewer visits and less food. My stomach hurts and I am thirsty. I try to sleep but I can't, I'm afraid that if I sleep, I'll miss him.


It's been about a month since I have been chained to this wall. About a week ago, Father has started to come recently, though not with food but a chess set. He's been asking questions and playing chess with me, telling me to tell him the reason why I would move this piece and that piece. Hunger has started to wear down, I can barely tell when I should eat or not. I can no longer think properly and I've been having delusions about mother. I miss mother but I don't know about father. Father has been calling me things. He says I'm not human so I should not act like one but I don't know how to not act like human. It's confusing. Father says that I'm moving onto my next session of training next week, I have a bad feeling and I don't like the sound of that.


Next week has started. I've been moved while blindfolded to a new area. When they taken the blind fold off, I saw tools.


Assortments of knives...

A hot poker in a fire-pit...

a hammer...

and more chains.

There were other tools but I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see this. I'm scared. I can guess what is about to happen to me.

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now