Current Profile

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This is Akatsuki Saika's profile where her known information is held. Every time a chapter is posted, I will edit this profile to suit the story. I don't want to spoil what's going to happen, this is just to keep tab on what is happening to her.


Name: Akatsuki Saika


-         Akatsuki Kobayashi [Father] [Deceased]

-         Dazai Kouriko [Mother] [Deceased]

-         Dazai Osamu [Brother]

Age: 20

Ability: "The Darkness is Me"


-         Introvert

-         Quiet

-         Smart

-         Curious


-         *ERROR*


-         Riddles

-         Chess

-         *ERROR*

-         *ERROR*


-         Fath-*ERROR*

-         Pain

-         The light

-         *ERROR*

-         *ERROR*


            Akatsuki Saika is a 20 year old female with long dark brown hair and dull brown, almost red, pupil slitted eyes. Her recent appearance is a dark shirt with weird Vs and lighter grey pants. Black flexible flats and she in covered in bandages. She has been given a black coat due to the cold weather in Russia.

 She has been given a black coat due to the cold weather in Russia

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Saika's Weekly Schedule

The end is nearing as his death awaits him

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The end is nearing as his death awaits him. The Queen of Shadows has begun to finish the final level and the era of Darkness will begin...

The Black Cat: Saika ~ [BSD Fanfic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now